06-18-2023, 10:13 PM
Sadly, Aaron, you are absolutely correct. :-(
Speaking of Hawaii gun control laws W/O Hijacking any other thread...
06-18-2023, 10:32 PM
(06-18-2023, 09:54 PM)AaronM Wrote: As long as the gun issue stays a RED VS BLUE FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT issue, expect zero compromise. The two-party system gives us peasants the illusion of choice over issues that ensure we keep our pitchforks and torches pointed at each other instead of the ones behind the curtain.
06-18-2023, 10:50 PM
Aaron and Terracore are 100% correct.
Further, regardless of the number of political parties, especially when it’s only 2, needs to be term limited out. PERIOD. And as much as I hate to say it but there needs to be an age cutoff of no one over 75.
"I have issued a proclamation declaring that hereinafter, Lake Michigan shall be known as Lake Illinois. Additionally, Illinois shall be annexing Green Bay, Wisconsin."
“DA BEARS!” JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois
06-18-2023, 11:11 PM
There is no difference between the "two" parties other than a handful of positions on wedge issues that are used to enrage the voters.
This two party system here really makes everybody look and sound dumber than they are..
Actually, if we had an honest two party system, that'd be a hell of a lot better than what we have now. After America voted for their first black president the Republicans went out of their mind. And what was before at least civil, and all involved willingly played by the rules, and regardless of how different their ideology might be they interpreted those rules similarly, has now turned into an exercise in insanity. The Republican Party has thrown the so called rules out with the frickin bathwater, and are hell bent on power at any cost, rules be damned. And the way they exercise that power.. to inflict punitive punishments on people that don't agree with them rather than leading everyone regardless of their individual beliefs and such to a better future for all, is the divide, is the reason we are in this mess. It is clearly, absolutely, the Republicans propensity to lie and cheat that has created the divide. I mean, come on, they have abandoned every principle they themselves have stood upon in exchange for power.. and when they have it they do nothing but spew hate on all of us. And every word that comes out of their mouths is a lie. They talk about the weaponization of government when it was their god that weaponized the DOJ on anyone he felt inclined to hate. I don't think a one party system is all that good, and would rather Hawaii had two, but as it is the Democrats are doing a far better job at running this state then the Republicans ever did. They ain't saints, and they certain can screw up monumentally, but damn they're trying. They're trying to deal with all sorts of humbug and I don't see any harm coming from it. By comparison I see a lot of harm being inflicted by Republican administrations across the country. Which makes the saying 'Lucky We Live Hawaii' all that more meaningful.
06-18-2023, 11:34 PM
Nice discussion. Interesting that though people are widely divided on various issues, we seem to agree that thereʻs a big problem with this system. Iʻve opposed the two-party system for years and would like to see a nonpartisan election. I know it wonʻt happen. Those in power will not give it up. Letʻs just not buy into the red state/blue state division. Thereʻs a lot more that unites us than divides us.
Certainty will be the death of us.
06-18-2023, 11:45 PM
Stop. Why bother trying to hype a situation for no other reason than to participate in the 'guns are bad'
I don’t think guns are bad. I’ve owned a rifle and shotgun. I think untrained idiots with guns are bad. If home defense is an issue I would ask someone contemplating the purchase of a firearm: * do you already have a chain across your driveway? * or better, a gate across your driveway? * do you have 4 inexpensive security cameras around your home? * plant bougainvillea and/or razor edge bromeliads in areas scrubs might enter from the perimeter of your property? * solar motion detector lights in walkways or parking area? Most of those cost less than a gun, and take less time to plant/install than applying for a firearms application, background check, classes, training and practice If you’ve done all that (above) and are still worried and can’t sleep at night, don’t forget there are unknown asteroids that could become meteors randomly and directly above your home, or a massive subsidence tsunami wave if The Big Crack breaks off on Ka’u side.
When ya got nothing make up an offense then go straight to name calling and deflection.
Happens everytime. Meanwhile Bean Lives Mattering in gun control places. https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/...-illinois/ And @MM, i swear man, i wish you changed sides. That is NOT an insult.
06-19-2023, 12:07 AM
go straight to name calling and deflection.
Like Bean Lives Matter? Like bouncing off to Illinois? “untrained idiots with guns” is not name calling. It’s descriptive, quantifiable and observable. Far too observable.
06-19-2023, 12:15 AM
Yes, count on that. Glad you comprehend my point.
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