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Farmer's Market tarps gone - Printable Version

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RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - My 2 cents - 03-29-2018

I agree the timing was bad; but in all fairness to the county; the vendors and venue had years to deal with it and prepare for it.

And in all fairness to the vendors and venue, the county had an equal amount of time to deal with it. The difference being that the county chose this timing. They were not forced to do it this way, they are the ones with the power to force.

Merry Monarch is much like the Christmas season for many of these vendors. They prepare for it for months, making sure that they have plenty of stock to sell. The timing is not just bad, it's very suspicious. All this talk about "they had years to deal with it", no matter which side you're talking about, why couldn't it have waited another 3 weeks?

I believe there is much, much more to this below the surface.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - snorkle - 03-29-2018

To those people who think pop-up tents are such a fire hazard; I suggest you walk out from under them if a fire breaks out.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - riversnout - 03-30-2018


Here is a summary, and yes you guessed it. It's all about the money.

“The County has tried to work with the owner for years to bring the properties into compliance with building, fire, and zoning codes...guide the owner into compliance...consequences if the proper permits were not acquired...required to have a temporary building permit...required electrical inspections and approval of electrical work...limited by Special Management Area Minor Permit No. 54...sign was installed without acquiring the required permits...required to have a 10 foot setback from the property boundaries and 10 foot spacing between tents...hiring an architect to design the permanent structure and prepare the building permit application, securing financing, applying for an amendment to SMA permits...requiring the owner to obtain temporary structure permits or submit plans for a permanent structure. The assessed fines for violations and failure to meet deadlines were clearly outlined in the violation notice...the owner has not picked up the approved permits."

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - kalakoa - 03-30-2018

failure to meet deadlines were clearly outlined in the violation notice

...and they couldn't possibly let the whole thing slide until after The Single Largest Tourist Draw.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-30-2018

The Single Largest Tourist Draw

With the main craft fair, a major tourist destination, held coincidentally at the Civic Auditorium and Butler Building, and the Merrie Monarch performances at the County owned Tennis Stadium. Conspiracy or Collusion? Only Punawebbers can imagine where the trail may lead, and how deep the complicity might go. Forget about Deep State for the next week. Welcome to Deep County:

Merrie Monarch Invitational Hawaiian Arts Fair
Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium & Butler Buildings

If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - MarkD - 03-30-2018

Even putting aside Merry Monarch, the HFM was a major draw year around. People of all sorts love farmers markets.

It helped bring a critical mass to Downtown Hilo and probably aided downtown's brick and mortar merchants more than it hurt them. Tourists would wander into the stores after market shopping.

The county has eroded what was arguably, by far, downtown Hilo's largest visitor attraction.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - snorkle - 03-30-2018

"The county has eroded what was arguably, by far, downtown Hilo's largest visitor attraction."

OK, This statement is offensive to those of us who really are arguable, eroded and the largest.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - My 2 cents - 03-31-2018

Good one Snorkle.

Mayor makes a statement:


The information out there regarding the closure of the Farmer’s Market in Hilo is so wrong and misleading that it prompts this open response. The public should know of truth...

One of the biggest issues that has been raised is the timing, right before Merry Monarch. Harry doesn't address this. Does this mean that the the information out there is correct, the speculation that the timing was strategic?

Many of the code violations listed were minor, but this one is a killer:

• No setbacks between tents and property boundary. Temporary structures are required to have a 10 foot setback from the property boundaries and 10 foot spacing between tents.

Even without doing the math it is easy to see that that this condition would eliminate between half and two thirds of the vendors, and of course the rents would have to double or triple to make up the difference.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - kalakoa - 03-31-2018

The public should know of truth...

I suspect it's actually much simpler: HFM collects lots of stall rent, but County can only tax a vacant lot.

this condition would eliminate between half and two thirds of the vendors, and of course the rents would have to double or triple

Nothing compared to the rent increase necessary to finance a $1M building.

Classic "you can have 10% of this dollar, or 100% of nothing", just like all those unpermitted Puna shacks -- force compliance, and there won't be anyone to clean the toilets.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - My 2 cents - 03-31-2018

Nothing compared to the rent increase necessary to finance a $1M building.

Agreed, my statement assumed complying with this one restriction and all else the same. It would be nice to see some of the plans submitted, plans rejected, plans resubmitted, etc., and the projected costs of those submissions and real costs of what it would take to be in full compliance. And what the rents would have to be.

On the other hand, if the codes are overlooked and they are allowed to slide by, then you have complaints of favoritism and precedence for others to follow.

Slow death is agonizing to watch.