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Restrictions to continue! - Printable Version

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RE: Restrictions to continue! - malahini - 11-25-2021

(11-25-2021, 07:08 PM)kalakoa Wrote: You wouldn't steal a car, would you?

I love downloading cars.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - kander - 11-25-2021

(11-25-2021, 06:54 PM)malahini Wrote:
(11-25-2021, 04:45 PM)kander Wrote: The social contract idea is completely communist thinking and propaganda. In the united states the individuals choice is paramount above all others. Without individual choice your forced into whatever group think comes along without question.

Social contract is used even by libertarians buddy. There's nothing communist about the social contract. It is as old as Plato.


Vast differences between not stealing your neighbors car and being forced into allowing foreign substances in your body or starve (USA), or be jailed (AU). If your not allowed to decide what goes into your body, your not free. Already the governor of Oregon has announced mandatory masks outside required now. It will happen in Hawaii too. Dark winter is coming, hospitals all over are starting to be flooded with really sick people. Of course the unvaxed will be blamed once again for this new wave of sicknesses. gotta have a boogyman.
it is what it is.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - MyManao - 11-25-2021

(11-25-2021, 08:13 PM)kander Wrote: Of course the unvaxed are, once again, the ones spreading this new wave of sicknesses. It is what it is.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Rob Tucker - 11-25-2021

I can appreciate how people want this pandemic to be over. Unfortunately it is not and may well be around for more years. How long it stays around will largely, it appears, depend on everyone's ability to join in on the solutions and minimize being a problem. The worst recorded pandemic, The Black Death, ran unchecked for a minimum of seven years and killed, it is estimated, 100 million or a third to half of the human population. Fortunately for us all Covid is not the Black Death except for those innocents who have succumbed. RIP

It has taken over 100 years to develop our public health systems to the point where they are now and it is a minor miracle of science that we so rapidly acquired the vaccines to give us a strong weapon to defend ourselves. Public health services goals are simple... to extend lifespans and improve life quality. This is an ongoing success.

I find the folks who complain loudly about things as simple as masks and social distancing to be remarkably self centered and un empathetic. Such weaklings.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - malahini - 11-25-2021

(11-25-2021, 08:53 PM)Rob Tucker Wrote: The Black Death,

This isn't the black death.

(11-25-2021, 08:53 PM)Rob Tucker Wrote: I find the folks who complain loudly about things as simple as masks and social distancing to be remarkably self centered and un empathetic.  Such weaklings.

I would say the opposite, and say that it is self centered to impose on everyone in an entire state for a small minority of people who largely (notice the word largely here) refuse to take care of themselves.

If people can simply impose on others instead of having to take responsibility for their own well being, what incentive do they have to do otherwise?

Raw utilitarianism is just as bad of a position as the the opposite extreme.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - kalakoa - 11-25-2021

It's not the masks and distancing that bothers me. I'm even willing to show a vaxx card at restaurants. These things make sense to me.

However, registering for permission to return home from out-of-state ... sorry, no. The fact that people tolerate this speaks volumes.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Wao nahele wahine - 11-25-2021

(11-25-2021, 08:20 PM)MyManao Wrote: I am unvaxed and proud of it. It is what it is.

Thought you'd appreciate it that I am copying your trick of changing someone's posts.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

RE: Restrictions to continue! - malahini - 11-25-2021

(11-25-2021, 09:15 PM)kalakoa Wrote: It's not the masks and distancing that bothers me. I'm even willing to show a vaxx card at restaurants. These things make sense to me.

However, registering for permission to return home from out-of-state ... sorry, no. The fact that people tolerate this speaks volumes.

I was okay with very much for the masks and distancing as a recommendation last year. I just think it is imposing to still insist on it at this point, especially when the vaccination rate is so high.

As far as the vax pass I refuse to cooperate in any way with such a system, and will just not go where it is required by the state or county. I am fully vaxed, and I might get a booster, but only after all restrictions have been lifted.

The travel stuff is especially, especially bad if you're talking about residents. Non-residents not as much, but still far outside the jurisdiction of Hawaii except very temporarily.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - AaronM - 11-26-2021

Thinning the herd is nature's response to overpopulation and ensures that the fittest are the ones that survive. I would have preferred the world to experience this pandemic without any vaccines.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - MyManao - 11-26-2021

(11-25-2021, 08:53 PM)Rob Tucker Wrote: ..and un empathetic.

I think empathy is one of the core traits that sets humans apart from the rest of the animal kingdom, and, without it we're destined to fail. Empathy allows us to explore such lofty concepts as the governmental structure we're trying to adhere to as a nation. The thing that's tricky, is how to develop it in our young to such a degree as to be a fundamental tenet of their lives. It seems we've failed on that account of late.

(11-26-2021, 12:42 AM)AaronM Wrote: Thinning the herd is nature's response to overpopulation and ensures that the fittest are the ones that survive..

In nature, like if you were a salamander, sure. In humanity, I believe, it's quite the contrary. 

Once again, empathy.