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Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - Printable Version

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RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - kalakoa - 10-02-2014

when R.J. and Sativa go on the warpath with their moral superiority

Morals are in the eye of the beholder, hence everyone is convinced THEY are "right".

RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - TomK - 10-02-2014

hikatz - my apologies if you think I was baiting, but I can honestly tell you that was not my intention. It's just that I've seen comments about anti-vaccination policies in other threads which RJ and Sativa are involved in and have yet to see a reply to those comments from either (although I may have missed them). I thought starting a new thread in the politics section was best as it kept the subject away from lava flow discussions and other discussion in punatalk. Personally, I think it's a very important topic and although I realise people are stressed out with the lava situation, life does go on and was hoping to get a bit of clarity about where things stand regarding vaccination policies before the election, even if they no longer directly involve RJ's running for council. For instance, are any other candidates proposing (anti-)vaccination policies.

RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - leilanidude - 10-03-2014

TomK - I was aghast at that proposal a few years back, but since the two of them have not brought the subject up since then, it might be preferable to let it slide into obscurity.

RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - Rob Tucker - 10-03-2014

I suspect they would love to distance themselves from activities, under the flag of county paychecks, that have the appearance of self serving opportunism.

Leilanidude, you seem to be suggesting that those who scrutinize others should not be subject to scrutiny themselves.

I would still like to know whether or not (yes or no) R.J. and Sativa were involved in a MLM program which might benefit from demonizing our Public Health Service policies vis-a-vis vaccinations. I would like to see if they are upfront enough to make a public statement of fact... which may be verified or conflicted by other people's first hand experiences.

Creating or adding to vaccination hysteria while concurrently promoting an expensive and dubious remedy causes me concern on a much higher level than a local circus inappropriately taking some trees to use in constructing a local community center.

RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - kalakoa - 10-03-2014

those who scrutinize others should not be subject to scrutiny themselves

I thought that was written into the County Code?

RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - rainyjim - 10-03-2014

Interesting topic.

How quickly she responded to accusations of a personal vendetta lead me to believe she has already read this post.

I doubt theres anything she can say to spin this into her being right. Nor do I believe she'll admit she was wrong.

RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - missydog1 - 10-03-2014

I wouldn't respond to this topic in the politics forum unless I were running for office currently. RJ is out of the race, and Sativa is not running or ever was, and the resolution was years ago and isn't any part of a current platform.

To me this comes off as "explain yourself so I can decide how I want to judge you as a person, because I have heard other people judging you for this. Even though I am not judging whether or not to vote for you because you are not on the ballot." Sorry Tom, I like you a lot, but I feel like the basis for putting this in Politics is way off.

I bet RJ and Sativa would be perfectly willing to discuss this one on one.

I don't see one link posted here to the actual text of the resolution as it made it into law. That should be a starting point for a discussion that is genuinely about a law that a lot of people don't seem to know much about.


RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - csgray - 10-03-2014

At the time they were pushing the anti-vaccine agenda RJ and Sativa were being paid by the taxpayers of Hawaii county, since then Sativa has very publicly and persistently pursued claims of unethical behavior on the part of someone who is seeking office. I don't think RJ and Sativa should get a free pass on possibly unethical behavior while on the public payroll, just because RJ lost the election.

If they can dredge up old voter registration information on the competition and claim it is pertinent today, then their actions as public employees can, and should be, scrutinized too. Part of Sativa's whole campaign against Hunt has been that no action, no matter how small or how long ago, is off limits, so she and RJ should be able to answer the sort of questions about conflicts of interest that Rob raised.

Profiteering on scare mongering about vaccines while on the public payroll is pretty unethical to me. Kids are dying from measles again, because people are pushing the fear of vaccines, to do so while a public servant and possibly profiting on the side is unforgivable if true. If I was accused of that I would want to clear my name ASAP.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - TomK - 10-03-2014

Kathy - I think we can agree to disagree here, I really have no problem if you don't agree with the reasons I made the original post, but if I were to try and explain my motivation, then I think Carol has just done it for me. The only other thing which Carol didn't mention is something I touched upon earlier, and that's the anti-vaccination topic has come up a number of times in recent threads involving RJ and Sativa and they have been silent about it, and I am wondering why. Again, maybe I missed their responses, but I did do a cursory search and couldn't find any.

In addition, looking at the bigger picture, the anti-vaccination movement has been making the press again recently and with diseases that were almost wiped out due to vaccination campaigns in the past becoming more prevalent, I think the recent political history of anti-vaccination campaigns are still quite relevant to Puna politics.

RE: Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies - missydog1 - 10-03-2014

I think the recent political history of anti-vaccination campaigns are still quite relevant to Puna politics.
I think it's fine as a discussion topic, which is why I posted a link that brings up all sorts of media coverage.

I don't think it is right to call someone out and demand a response on this forum, unless it is a current candidate or a public official. Even then it is the person's call not to respond.

Had you asked before the primary election, I wouldn't have said a thing.
