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Punaweb Forum
February 22 HPP meeting - Printable Version

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RE: February 22 HPP meeting - Kenney - 02-18-2015

Your welcome Karma.

Truly, some of us are unable to attend all the meetings, but since we're land owners, we should be kept informed anyway. I'd like to know where my Rd. Mtnce. $ is going. There was no information in the bill, just a bill. No financial report, no Conch, nothing but a return envelope.

Various health factors also play into one's ability to attend or not. Some simply are physically unable to attend. That's why there are stipulations in the BiLaws as to how and when minutes are to be posted. They haven't been of late, but I'm hoping to see accurate, timely minutes posted from now on. Hope springs eternal....

RE: February 22 HPP meeting - Karma96749 - 02-18-2015

You are very correct about why folks may not be able to attend. I am sorry I didnt phrase my comments with more thought and consideration. I do understand being unable to attend due to physically caring for others and due to people's own physical issues. Please except my sincerest apologies.

I do think there are certain people, not doing caretaking of others, who could plan for attending a meeting once a month.
I believe in getting involved if you are physically able to. Even if that involvement is only attending one evening meeting a month and speaking up for your issues at that meeting.


RE: February 22 HPP meeting - shockwave rider - 02-18-2015

Originally posted by Karma96749

You are very correct about why folks may not be able to attend. I am sorry I didnt phrase my comments with more thought and consideration. I do understand being unable to attend due to physically caring for others and due to people's own physical issues. Please except my sincerest apologies.

I do think there are certain able bodied people, not doing caretaking of others, who could plan for attending a meeting once a month.
I believe in getting involved if you are physically able to. Even if that involvement is only attending one evening meeting a month and speaking up for your issues at that meeting.


Lots of people actually have jobs, many of which are in the service industries and happen in the evening. You seem to think everyone in HPP is retired with nothing but free time at night.

RE: February 22 HPP meeting - kalakoa - 02-18-2015

everyone in HPP is retired with nothing but free time

Wasn't that how the PMAR got de-prioritized in the 1980s?

RE: February 22 HPP meeting - shockwave rider - 02-18-2015

Originally posted by kalakoa

everyone in HPP is retired with nothing but free time

Wasn't that how the PMAR got de-prioritized in the 1980s?

It is fundamentally dishonest to take a tiny bit of a post, out of context, and respond to it as if the person was saying the exact opposite of what they were saying. If your position is so weak that you can only make your point by twisting people's words around like that maybe you should just quit posting.

RE: February 22 HPP meeting - Karma96749 - 02-18-2015

Shockwaverider stated You seem to think everyone in HPP is retired with nothing but free time at night.

Where have I ever said or implied that I think "EVERYONE in HPP is retired..."

Maybe you should practice what you preach at others.
Do not twist my words, or post what you think I am thinking.

I am work and most everyone I associate with in HPP works. I know very few retired folks in HPP.


RE: February 22 HPP meeting - kalakoa - 02-18-2015

Fact remains: decisions are made by those who have the free time to attend the meetings where issues are discussed. Historically, this includes objection to any possible path for PMAR; now here we go again (yet, still) with the Lava Emergency Routes.

RE: February 22 HPP meeting - Aki - 02-19-2015

Looking forward to a well attended and productive meeting on Sunday...

RE: February 22 HPP meeting - Karma96749 - 02-20-2015

The agenda says there will be 12 bylaws with Q&A for 1 - 2 hours!!!


RE: February 22 HPP meeting - mermaid53 - 02-20-2015

Highlights of Feb 18 Board mtg:

The Pres ran the meeting pretty well. From my observation there seemed to be 2 distinct groups w/in this board. A few votes were the same 6 to same 3. The meeting was conducted to the extent that lot owners were allowed to ask short questions or make suggestions throughout with the topic at hand.

The Pres apologized for the decommissioning of RTSC and stated it was the VP's idea to decommission them. She said the process was done in error at an exec session. She went out of her way to make sure the apology was carried out before the meeting shut down due to the power outage. The meeting started out using a generator. Between 6 and 6:30 the power was restored so the meeting carried on.

After the apology a lot owner asked whether this meant the RTSC was to be reappointed. Francis motioned to reappoint RTSC. 3 board members were clearly not on board w/a vote 6 to 3. The 3 made comments and questioned the RTSC chair for several minutes. A lot owner spoke in support. "Thank you". The motion carried w/a "unanimous" vote. One of them looked as if it was begrudgingly done (limp hand/elbow on table). The RTSC is looking for members.

HRC chair made a motion to hire an atty not to exceed $1000 to review actions w/past and future processes. A debate ensued from members of previous HRC as to the necessity since "they" had already done this paying out of their own pocket. The current chair said she wants to ensure things are done right and wants a 3rd party involved, not the lawsuit atty. The motion carried. Her 2nd motion was that the GM and Bkkpr positions be temp for 6 mos to start. Revisions of current job descripts may have to be done and she wants the current HRC to screen and interview. The motion carried 6 to 3. The current HRC chair stated the previous HRC took awhile to turn over their files and she was clearly annoyed by this.

The VP/interim GM wanted a new speed bump policy to be voted on. I told them they need to rescind the old speed bump policy first. Since some of the board members didn't know one existed, Francis motioned to table this until all board members can read the old policy and read the proposed policy. The Pres was told that RTSC can research the county guidelines on this as well.

Ruth Mizuba said she's not involved in the Emergency Plan for the ofc and doesn't know how this occurred. She asked to please remove her name being attached to this agenda item.

Approval of easement violation letters were put on hold until they finish tweaking it more. There will be an enforcement measure where lot owners will have to pay out of pocket if the road crew has to get involved in removing encroachments.

A complaint letter template was approved. To be used for lot owners who have tenant involved issues regarding HPP property.

The financial report will be mailed out to lot owners soon w/the Conch. This action will be done whether we're past the time line or not.

The regular Conch will get up and running soon after Ruth speaks with the IT people. She solicited owners to submit items for the Conch.

A few board members complained about the website issues. They asked who in the mainland is managing our website. There was no response. One said she imagined someone sitting in their PJ's on the couch working on our website bc of the issues we've been having. I asked who's doing it and how did this occur. Several board members shrugged their shoulders and still no response from whomever made this past decision. Francis made a motion that we look for a professional local company. The motion was carried, I believe 6-3. A lot owner volunteered to gather 10 professional local companies for the board who then will do the screening-motion carried.

Greggor Ilagan spoke. He'd like the board to come up w/3 priority items that involve the county that he can assist with. ie. dedication of main roads, albezia issues etc. He said he'd be at the next meeting to collect the 3 items.

Curtis Yamada, the contractor for the last phase of paving was present. He wanted the board to release the retention due. During discussion, it was discovered he had given the VP his contract a few months or more ago, yet board members were told there was no contract. Francis asked him to send them another. Curtis will finish laying fill alongside the asphalt (only 2') once HPP purchases the material, as per agreement. He said the former GM told him that the grubbing and clearing contractor had over grubbed the shoulders which caused problems. Discussion ensued about HPP liabilities along the shoulders. (my comment: The grubbing and clearing contractor has to come back and lay more fill down to improve the grade of the shoulders and cover the large rocks before we bring in Yamada again)

There was discussion about the foreclosures that HPP is involved with. Most of the board doesn't have the history of HPP owning foreclosed HPP property so JC filled them in. These were properties foreign owned that had several thousands of dollars due in road fees. She offered further assistance if needed since she was very involved with this and currently there is a pressing issue that needs to be resolved.

A lot owner asked whether the $85-90,000 expenditure occurred or not for the piece of equip...the VP said yes.

JC reminded the board that expenditures need to be discussed and voted on at board meetings.

I asked who made the unprof'l K Street sign..that road crew people are supposed to know how to make signs as part of their duties. I also asked when and who made the decision to purchase the zero turn lawn mower I see in HPP and it's cost. I assume the response will be given next month since none was given.

Gen'l membership mtg: I think many of you will be pleased w/the proposed bylaw amendments thus far.