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Farmer's Market tarps gone - Printable Version

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RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - kalakoa - 03-26-2018

Maku'u Market is allowed to continue with the tarps and gravel floor

MFM is theoretically Federal, though it does cede to DoH.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-26-2018

perhaps an overpriced wine bar?

Business opportunity for former mayors:
Overpriced hostess bar.

If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - Seeb - 03-26-2018

Originally posted by kalakoa

Maku'u Market is allowed to continue with the tarps and gravel floor

MFM is theoretically Federal, though it does cede to DoH.

Maku’u Market is subject to county law.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - kalakoa - 03-26-2018

Maku'u Market is subject to county law.

So they will also have to remove their tarps?

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - punaticbychoice - 03-26-2018

kalakoa @ 08:00:42 03/26/2018-
Yes, like that.
HOTPE @ 09:36:21 03/26/2018-
I'm wondering if that isn't -
Hm, upgrade access from ITO and for cruise passengers,
hostess bars- a few other delights? Some really sleazy
opportunities.....yes indeed..........
Maybe there is a state legislator.........

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - kalakoa - 03-26-2018

upgrade access from ITO and for cruise passengers

Perhaps something like this?


Now the tourists can walk to the ... vacant lot.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-26-2018

From Honolulu Magazine, 1999:

The Farmers' Market, for instance, has been in its "temporary" digs, plastic tarps on poles stuck into gravel, for more than 15 years now. It gets soggy there when Hilo's rains pour down, so owner Keith De La Cruz plans to build a three-story Farmers' Market structure on its present site at the corner of Kamehameha Avenue and Mamo Street.

But De La Cruz points out that, because downtown Hilo stands in a Special Management Area—a flood zone area and tsunami inundation zone—County Planning Department requirements state his building has to be 19 feet off the ground, with either no walls on the ground floor or walls that break away in a tsunami.


If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-26-2018

From HTH 2015, article about a new roof going up soon over Hilo Farmers Market:


If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - Kapoho Joe - 03-26-2018

It's about time! I have been complaining about the dilapidated look of the HFM for over a decade. This is 100% on the owner and is the County simply trying to make the bayfront look decent.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - MarkD - 03-26-2018

The Farmers Market case speaks to the mentality of individuals who get themselves in government where they can exercise this sort of power.

There's been several cases in Hawaii like this. One was the closure of a beachside hamburger stand on Oahu at Kaimana Beach that operated for many decades before being shut down. Another was the forced removal of a mural in Honolulu of Japanese artist Hokusai Katsushika's famous picture "The Great Wave."

Both these Honolulu items could have been left alone. The Farmers Market could have been left alone. Call it being grandfathered in, if you want.

But these public officials won't have it. They can't stand it. They wake up everyday with the mission to confront something that that irritates them, that is technically out of order, regardless of the fact that it has great value to the public.

The officials harassing the Farmers Market would have been ideal East German Stasi officials before the fall of the USSR. We know where part of their mentality came from. Sieg Heil.

From Kapoho Joe: "It's about time! I have been complaining about the dilapidated look of the HFM for over a decade. "

You have nothing better to do with your time? Hilo isn't Waikiki or Kona. Want upscale, move over there. It's a blue collar town, the HFM fit in just fine with downtown.