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Furlough Friday coming back - Printable Version

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RE: Furlough Friday coming back - leilanidude - 04-15-2020

inability to see that blocking the TMT was a huge mistake
Exactly. That construction would be going, right now. Construction projects are not being stopped by the virus.
By the way, wannabe mayor, Ikaika Marzo is against TMT and you will find zero mention of this on any of his websites or platform agenda press releases.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - PaulW - 04-15-2020

Thanks, he won't be getting my support. Call me old fashioned but I believe in the rule of law.

Kim was shutting down vacation rentals long before the virus BTW.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - Guest - 04-15-2020

No, what takes the cake is your inability to see that blocking the TMT was a huge mistake.

Funny, I have always, since the very get go, been a strong proponent of the TMT with one little qualifier, address the issue of Hawaiian sovereignty. Once that's all worked out, them folks can ask the rightful land owners, whoever they might be, what they would like.. simple.

I can see all sorts of things that are screwed up because folks never like, as you say, "see" all the issues raised by the Hawaiians. But bringing them up here? Hahahaha. I think it's mo bettah we all cling to the illusion that I don't like the TMT, it's way more fun this way.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - kalakoa - 04-15-2020

If there's ever a "the" Hawaiians and "they" manage to address relevant issues by proposing real solutions, then that could be a productive discussion.

Simple obstruction -- by a faction claiming to speak for all -- is none of these things.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - PaulW - 04-15-2020

Glad to hear the telescope has a new supporter but be careful, some people think we should get what we deserve.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - kalakoa - 04-15-2020

we should get what we deserve

"You knew it was a one-note economy when you moved here..."

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - ironyak - 04-15-2020

hokuili - Better than cake! Let them eat tourists!

Sounds like a modest proposal - they always say you can fleece 'em many times, but skin 'em only once. Now may be that time but as they seem a bit scarce currently (and would still contribute to the high percentage of imported calories) we may need to rely on stock closer to home. Wonder if there is a way to track who is Unessential or limping along and being a burden? Must be some form to fill out so it's clear who needs to be served first...

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-15-2020

we may need to rely on stock closer to home. Wonder if there is a way to track who is Unessential

My guess is there’s a way, but not a will. State & County would most likely harbor the greatest number of employees living off the fat of the land. And like veal calves, many stay tethered at their desks all day, with little movement even if it involves their job description. That means they’d be the most tender too, so win-win.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - terracore - 04-15-2020

So are the elected politicians are also taking a pay cut?

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - ironyak - 04-15-2020

I doubt the farmer takes notes as to which stock to cull from the wheat maturing in the ag lots (it tends to chaff - I know, I know, I'm not that Swift) Don't worry, reaping he'll get to soon.

But as the farm gets more ragged, things might be looking better for the rats, rabbits, and of course, also for the wolves. Wild times ahead, never a boar! (ok, ok, I'll see myself out Wink