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Furlough Friday coming back
It was on Hawai’i news now, that the governor is going to cut state workers pay Including Nurses and first responders. That’s just F-ing insane
20% paycuts proposed for teachers and most other government employees, 10% for some frist responders including nurses and correctional officers among others. Not clear if implemented as direct wage decreases or furlough days, but all possible as early as May 1st.
We all knew this was coming, and the HNN piece only presented the unions' opposing view to a proposal that is probably still being worked on. It would be nice if we could believe that the Ige administration would use this as an opportunity to "right size" the state government payroll, but we know that won't happen. And I can't wait to see what, if anything, Harry Kim proposes to do on the county level. If we're lucky, Harry will retire and let his successor deal with it.
It's funny how I'm not seeing any mention of this on the local news this morning or in the Honolulu Star Advertiser.


OK...Now I'm seeing it.
20% paycuts proposed for teachers and most other government employees, 10% for some frist responders including nurses and correctional officers among others...

Gotta love that new normal. Slimmed down, in that little two piece number, sexy, eh? Yep, economic stimulus gonna look a little more like that gluten free veggie burgers than some kind of t-bone sirloin job.. can you imagine social distancing on airplanes?

And I bet ya, when they get around to the real stimuli, they'll be talking pie in the sky. How could they not, as always they gotta talk talk talk.. just don't ask anyone to actually do the walk.

So, does the 20% cut suggest some sort of vision of how the entire economy is going to look when this all returns to "normal?" Are the government types gonna lead the way into that better day when nobody can afford to pay.. the rent? What will the landlord say?
Dang, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to destroy the tourist industry by closing down vacation rentals, sure could've used all those tax dollars now.
How about diversifying the economy by encouraging things like telescopes and geothermal and other industries where people can work from home? Too late?
"Are the government types gonna lead the way"

They will take care of their own and that is it.

Seriously, this is not your "normal" economic downturn, especially for the hospitality and travel industries. Bringing the state's economy back online means competing with every other tourist destination and that is going to mean shifting into gears Hawaii has never used. They should be talking about ways to implement legalized gambling and recreational cannabis, among other things. Even if it's in very limited facilities or zones. Bring Hawaii's 9th island back to the state.
Originally posted by PaulW

Dang, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to destroy the tourist industry by closing down vacation rentals, sure could've used all those tax dollars now...
OMG The inability to perceive reality is delicious. Better than cake! Let them eat tourists! Yes, I knew they had a value. Now, the only real question is, does cooking them kill the virus?
20% paycuts

Ige should offer the unions a choice: everyone keeps their job with a pay cut, or the State can shut down 20% of non-essential services and maybe sell some parks to developers.

Shutting down services gets you there faster: once the people are gone, you can get rid of their building and all its expenses. Start with remote DMV offices and satellite City halls. People can spend hours driving downtown, that's life in the big city.

Of course there's always rail, but I'm pretty sure it would cost more to shut it down given that City&County is already giving away P3 contracts.
"OMG The inability to perceive reality is delicious. Better than cake!" - hokulii

No, what takes the cake is your inability to see that blocking the TMT was a huge mistake. The economic meltdown of corona virus is going to be a walk in the park compared to the Great Recession, and we need all the resources PaulW mentions to survive.

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