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Ducks and geese in Paradise - Printable Version

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RE: Ducks and geese in Paradise - Carey - 07-05-2007

Corn, Corn, Corn, Corn CORN! Thanks everyone...Except for Johns' "oven duck"....
The neighbors grandkids were giving it cat food, it didn't eat much. We got the duck this morning, and after the postings I served it corn, & it dug into the corn. We have frozen, I thawed it...the husks were a bit much, so I smooshed out corn & added some peas (It likes corn better, but eats peas). Went to Del's & got a bag of food they recommend for ducklings , it eats a little of that but really does like CORN. Right now it is in a box in the new bathtub of our almost finished redecorated bathroom....we even have a large planter saucer for a duckling pond when we change the box paper.
We may end up with the duck for longer than we planned (I thought this was to be a weekend thing). It has a nibbled tush & one leg, but they seem to be healing (hubby says no way he is going to a vet for a duck... he did do paper changes while I was in class tonight, so he is a partial softy.) Duck still doesn't walk much, but really is into the corn! If it continues to improve, might be looking for a duck habitat in a week or so...(John, NOT the oven!)

RE: Ducks and geese in Paradise - olin137 - 07-06-2007

Yes, you really need to research the different ducks and geese - their preferred diets will vary all over the place so you have to target exactly what you expect them to be eating. As for coquis, I'm sure there are varieties that will munch down on them, but again must research to find out which ones. I've used mallards on the mainland to absolutely clean a property of snails and slugs, so I'd bet there's a coqui-muncher available.
