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Ducks and geese in Paradise
Is anyone raising or planning to raise ducks or geese?
JerryCarr mentioned chickens in another thread.
What I have read indicates that ducks and geese would be better adapted to Puna. They are more tolerant of wet conditions (not that it rains a lot in Puna) and have less disease, etc. problems.
Indian Runner ducks lay a lot of eggs (fairly comparable to chickens) and are more alert and good foragers for insects (and coqui?).
Chinese geese lay more eggs than most geese, are active and primarily eat grass, etc.
Both would like water to swim in, but do not have to have it as long as they have water to drink and clean their bills.
I recently got some books that seem quite helpful and make them sound better than chickens.
Plus, we like duck and goose meat better than chicken and it costs quite a bit more in the store, so we would save more money by raising our own.
I have raised rabbits, turkeys and chickens in Washington state, but only one pet duck.

Baton Rouge, LA & HPP
Finally in HPP
Foie Gras not much behind? I will be the first one there to buy!

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Ducks like to nibble your toes when you are walking around in the yard in your slippers! I think it is also impossible to have geese AND a ti hedge. Geese love to eat ti plants. That is, if there are any ti left this time of the year. I think most of them are dancing at the Merrie Monarch!

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
A neighbor of mine created a pond on his acre. He has excess water from his catchment run into the pond and it stays pretty full. You would need some kind of fish in there to keep the skeeters down but it would also be a nice place for your ducks to hang out. You could line "said pond" with plastic sheets and weight it down with lava rocks. Not sure how you would control the algae but I am sure there is a way to do it. Also you would need to have the water continuously refreshed so as not to stagnate with duck droppings. Are ducks as vigilant at hunting as chickens are? Anything to keep the coquis in check is worth a try.



Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
OK, Neighbors Grandkids rescued a duckling today that has a leg that was nibbled by a mongoose. They are going away tomorrow, & have asked if we can care for this duckling.... I have NO idea what is involved.... ANYONE, what do we need to do? )Duckling was not moving initially, now can stand & slightly eating ( I think cat food..)
Ideas on shelter & such???

My favorite animal, "Duck in the Oven"! Smile Actually, they are very easy to care for. I don't think cat food is good for them though, try greens and corn instead. A small inflatable kiddie pool will them think they are in heaven!

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Decades ago I had 4 or 5 Muscovy ducks on my farm. They are 'quackless' ducks. They were also pretty ugly as far as ducks go. And not really good for anything I could determine except eating a lot and producing copious quantities of duck crap that was usually exactly where you didn't want it. Like on the roof of the barn where they loved to sit. I would not think that that would be a good thing here where you are on a catchment water system. Their humor value wasn't worth it and I finally found someone who wanted them. Later, they tried to give them back. No way I said! Don't know if other ducks are like these ducks were. But if I were to choose a fowl to raise for pet, eggs, or meat... I would probably not choose any king of duck without thoroughly research their habits.

Thanks for the duck caveats"- never thought about that before.

My 2cents might not be worth it to any Eastsider but Kmart has sale on 20# of bird seed for $4 which I thought was pretty good considering how the price of a bag of rice doubled over the last year.
my idea is put the chick in cardboard box lined with newspaper and some clean rags for warmth and feed him bread crumbs and water and change the newspaper when it gets dirtied up. no need more rags as it gets bigger after the 1st week but better safe than sorry. But especially make sure it's big enough not to be mongoose fodder when you finally let him go outside.

also where can you get runner ducks?

Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer
Unless you have very nutritionally complete bread, you need to add something else. Cat food is probably better - LOL. Wonder foam bread is pretty useless. Maybe some crumbled hard-boiled eggs, cornmeal, oatmeal, etc.? It will need some grit = sand for digestion. Greens of suitable size pieces would probably be good.
After looking into it some more, I think Khaki Campbell ducks would be better. They are hybrids of Indian Runners that are larger bodied (for meat use, if you are so inclined), calmer (but still active) and still produce a LOT of eggs.
I do not know of a source in Hawaii, but there are several on the mainland. I think I remember reading that Hawaii has restrictions on bringing in ducks, but I do not know.

Baton Rouge, LA & HPP
Finally in HPP
I was thinking bread might be easier to digest if they don't have the grit yet.
I like the Alley cat cat food- $1.99 for 3.5# bag at Long's when it's on sale. but I like the bird seed better since the mice and ants don't attack it that much. and I get get a egg every other day from the hen so what else am I missing.

I dream about my menagerie- the campbells and turkeys amidst the runners moving from side to side of the primordial soup like a wave- just dreaming.

Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer

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