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Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - Printable Version

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RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - kalakoa - 10-03-2012

Let's just say I'm a few miles from the highway, but they fly directly over my house, sometimes well under 1000'.

Markings only tell you "who" it belongs to, not "why" it's there, so I guess the purpose by how it's being flown. Fast in a straight line that vaguely resembles "parallel to the highway" is presumably a tourist going to see the lava, otherwise it's realtors or Helco or green harvest or something.

They pay fees to fly over the park, they should pay fees to the subdivisions too, we could use them to maintain the "private" roads without any "taxpayer" money right?

RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - MarkP - 10-03-2012

So, would everyone pay fees to each subdivision when we drive through it, too?

RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - kalakoa - 10-03-2012

County insists on the "road is public or private as the situation warrants", so yes, ideally everyone would pay fees to drive on other subdivisions' "private" roads.

(Yes, I'm exaggerating to make the point. Or not.)

RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - MarkP - 10-03-2012

I don't think people would buy that for a second. Point is people are demanding of aircraft something they would never buy into in their personal driving habits.

RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - Obie - 10-03-2012

" Jets can't look into your back yard and practically read your license plate numbers. They are high in the air and easily ignored."

Part of a post from Yurtgirl,obviously paranoid !!

RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - csgray - 10-03-2012

The difference is aircraft can fly over my house and yard at low altitudes, and I can't stop them, but I can keep cars from driving through my yard.


RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - Carey - 10-03-2012

Mark, More to your off track topic...Had to smile.... having moved here from a state with TOLL ROADS, that is EXACTLY what people have done for centuries, pay to use a private road (though the new ones are soo much less "private" than in ye olde days....)

And yes, you can have restricted access private roads, even here.... but the newer things like emergengy service we all have come to rely on make the limited access roads less common (though I know of at least one Kona subdivision that re-installed their gate system this last year, with all of the county requirements after the increase in burglaries over on that side...)

Mineral & Air rights have been debated for over a century.... Govm't entities are some of the few that have won the right to charge for those rights...

Oh, & jets can look into our back yards & can have highly advanced detection arrays.... our military has for years! & having had cars drive through our fence & yard here.... ummmmmm even have had one go right into the rock pile... & how many of us have perused old neighborhoods & such now that streetwise cars are about.....so maybe there really are fewer differences in all of this....

Just wish the copters would fly at a recognized "safe altitude" (which is actually more of a "safe crash altitude" when they are near MY house & the schools nearby.... but that is just me, yes, I do realize that more for fixed wing glide paths...but it is disconcerting to realize they could go from there to here in a flash....like to think it is safer if it is farther....!

RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - Bullwinkle - 10-04-2012

A helipad closer to the lava areas makes sense - Backside of the mountain on the Kau side of the slope would beat the weather and noise issues,save fuel and bring business to an undeveloped area.

RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - YurtGirl - 10-04-2012

Obviously paranoid... OK, Obie. I guess others have been way further off track in their assessments via internet of people they don't know from Adam. I lost a quite a bit of respect for you there though. Guess you've never had a helicopter hover over your yard for several minutes at a time, throughout an entire day, at a height where you can see the pilot's sunglasses. Paranoid?? I don't have anything to hide going on at our place, but that doesn't mean I don't get ticked right off at that kind of major and unwarranted intrusion or our privacy and property.

Some places do charge community impact fees for air traffic over their subdivisions. I researched it a couple of years ago and found that the avenue has been locked up pretty tight here. Regarding vehicles fees in subdivisions, there is precedence of it, but to point out the obvious, vehicles drive on roads with posted speed limits, under proper sound requirements, etc. Helicopters fly right overhead, create seriously loud noises (I'm not talking about a truck rumble, I'm talking about having to stop conversation until the thing has passed) and there is no reliable way to make sure the pilots are obeying the height limits etc.

There's no tracking system to see how low copters are flying here except when people complain, and that just goes to some burial plot of information at air control. The only copters somewhat expected to respect the flying heights are the tour copters and private copters. And they DON'T a lot of the time. And usually nothing is done about it, so they continue to do it.

Blue Hawaiian is the best for adhering to height requirements, and for being sensitive to private property owner's concerns. They monitor their pilot's heights in-house through equipment mounted on each helicopter.

Helco, search and rescue, and any thing police or DEA can fly as low as they want, and often they rent out the tour companies copters, so unless it's something about the pattern they're flying, it's hard to know for sure. Now, if I were to say that they do that (rent tour choppers) in an effort to keep the public confused, then I can see someone calling me paranoid... And others saying that's a right on analysis.

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

RE: Reprise of Helicopters from Hell - part II - kalakoa - 10-04-2012

Can't read the tail number when they fly directly overhead...