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Farmer's Market tarps gone - Printable Version

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RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - kalakoa - 03-26-2018

The Farmers Market could have been left alone.

Better downtown than some Puna rooster farm on an unpaved road.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - Chunkster - 03-26-2018

Harry Kim never saw a regulation he didn't like, mainly because more regulations mean more county employees to monitor and enforce them. And more county employees means more good old boy block voters. This is ironic since most of them don't really do anything and rely on a "complaint-driven" enforcement model. My guess is that some well connected somebody has a grudge against the market and/or its owner or has a plan of their own for a replacement. $$$$

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - MarkD - 03-26-2018

This Farmer Market issue is similar to the removal of the International Market Place in Waikiki several years ago. It was much beloved by locals. The big money people, the corporate interests called it shabby. (They hate kiosks.)

No like how things are in Hilo? Move to Honolulu.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - Kapoho Joe - 03-26-2018

MarkD - By trying to equate the Hawaii County government with Nazi Germany - you have exposed yourself to be as weak and feeble minded as they come. You either failed history or never took it. What a maroon!

Oh yeah, and if you have not noticed(what with all your Nazi ramblings you may have missed it), Hilo and East Hawaii in general are slowly being gentrified. So if you don't like upscale - feel free to try HOVE, you'll love it!

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - Kapoho Joe - 03-26-2018

Originally posted by Chunkster

My guess is that some well connected somebody has a grudge against the market and/or its owner or has a plan of their own for a replacement. $$$$

Take some time and learn the history of this issue. The County has been trying (before Kim 2.0) to tidy up the HFM for years. The new restaurant building is part of that effort. Nobody wants to walk under those filthy canopies, nobody wants to wade through dirty water just to buy veggies.

There is something to be said for quaint, but when quaint becomes dilapidated, something has to give. The Markets owner was given ample time to either comply & clean up, or sell. He chose to ignore the issue, keep his tenants in the dark and try to blame this all on the Mayor.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - MarkD - 03-26-2018

I am equating it with over-regulation, which the Germans are well known for (for ages) and continued in East Germany to far more extreme levels than it occurred in the USSR under the Russians.

"Hilo and East Hawaii in general are slowly being gentrified. "

I guess so, if people are steadily complaining. Who are the primary complainers? Long-time residents? Relative newcomers? (The free ranging roosters, by the way, were very little in evidence in East Hawaii 35 years ago. The claim to the contrary is nonsense from the rooster farmers.)

"I have been complaining about the dilapidated look of the HFM for over a decade."

OK. You might as well provide everyone details on your mission. Congratulations on your success.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - Kapoho Joe - 03-26-2018

Whatever your flimsy excuse is to type down and share the Nazi salute, it was not appreciated. Don't bother responding to me, your kind is dead to me.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-26-2018

In 1999 a plan was put forward to build a 3 story building on the site.
In 2015 a new roof was supposed to be constructed, and soon.

Maybe there were other promises for improvements made during that time, and the County just got tired of waiting? Between the logistics of putting up a new structure in a special management zone, and the building department there were no doubt plenty of regulations that caused delays on both sides of the project.

Calling the county government nazis or Stasi does seem a little off base though. Perhaps if you're looking for an appropriate totalitarian authoritarian term to insult our local leaders you might try Harry Kim Jong-un?

If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - kalakoa - 03-26-2018

In 1999 a plan ... In 2015 a new roof ... The County has been trying (before Kim 2.0) to tidy up the HFM for years.

Right -- it's just suddenly happening now.

RE: Farmer's Market tarps gone - Mimosa - 03-26-2018

By day Hilo has it's charm but is all pretty shabby . By night it is gangs - prostitutes and drug dealers and homeless .
One long over due Tsunami will take out everything up to Kinoole along with County Building Department - County Building - State court house all the way along banyons to richardsons and Port of Hilo along with Hilo airport.
The Hilo Farmers Market will see better days but for now the vendors can set up their own temp tarps and dismantle when pau hana .