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Safety of drinking catchment water? - Printable Version

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RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - gtill - 02-09-2009

The missing teeth because of lack of flouride was one of the first UH orchestrated bans on what they called a poison (flouride) and was a part of an attack on youth by the old. Most vaccinations same thing, poisioning our youth. For a number of years the big ban was on flouride.

RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - PaulW - 02-09-2009

UH wanted fluoride out of the county water? Did they succeed - is there no fluoride in the county water?

RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - PaulW - 02-09-2009

Interesting tidbit courtesy of Wikipedia:

"The U.S. specifies the optimal level of fluoridation to range from 0.7 to 1.2 mg/L [...]
but groundwater, particularly in volcanic or mountainous areas, can contain as much as 50 mg/L"

RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - Shekelpal - 02-09-2009

Try no dental care? It is really not covered here. There is one, only one dentist who takes Medicare under Quest in Hilo.

RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - missydog1 - 02-09-2009

small correction, MedicAID. Medicare has no dental coverage.
Quest covers pulling teeth, not trying to save them. It's barbaric.

RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - Youser - 02-09-2009

No amount of dental care, free or otherwise, will prevent rot in childrens' teeth if they are allowed to drink Coke all day, eat soft processed food - e.g. McDonalds, and get little to no calcium, fruit and veg in their diet. It's very easy to blame they and them for not providing teeth protecting water, but if kids are allowed to eat and drink whatever they want and whenever they want, the loss of their teeth can hardly be blamed on the water supply.

RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - Jay Bondesen - 02-10-2009

I think, as several people have said here, that water is water and there is really no reason to think that county water is better than catchment. Rain is really pretty clean compared to what well water can pick up from the soil and lots of mainland cities use surface water from rivers that pick up all kinds of run-off pollution. So storage, treatment, and supply systems are the critical issues and homeowners have access to the same systems that the county does. The county water is probably fine but I kind of like to be a little more in control of as much of my stuff as I can. It's been two years so far of using exclusively catchment with no obvious health problems.


RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - macuu222 - 02-10-2009

Speaking of dental....


RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - Bullwinkle - 02-10-2009

Bleach for bacteria, Iodine for virus has always been my mantra --- and lord knows Ive taken on many a gallon of "bad" water while in the third world. Never got sick....

the right ratios can be found on the sailing forums and cruising books I dont add iodine here (maybe I should) and my old age kentucky windage model of catchment treatment is to toss in a half a gallon in a 10,000 gal tank

With lots of sun or rain sometimes more - then it seems more like a pool than catchment - but it helps keep the facilities clean!

RE: Safety of drinking catchment water? - Devany - 02-10-2009

Fluoride only helps prevent cavities. With good dental hygiene and a healthy diet, better effects are found. Unfortunately there is a sad condition in Appalachia which has been dubbed “Mountain Dew Mouth.” Babies and kids get sodas and Kool aid instead of milk or water.

I also knew a woman in Texas whose home town in Tennessee made a mistake in the amount of fluoride they were putting into the water, all of the people in town got brown teeth… I mean BROWN. It was not reversible and NOT pretty.

Originally posted by JonP

I assume it's about the fact that catchment water doesn't have flouride which is added for kid's dental health.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
