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Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Printable Version

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RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Kelena - 01-11-2008

Carrie! Congratulations on making it through the gauntlet! I am so happy for you! What are you going to be doing, or did I miss that.

RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - JerryCarr - 01-11-2008

Wow! I don't know anybody who has been able to do what you did, Carrie, and I know quite a few who have tried. Remarkable.


RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Carolann R - 01-11-2008

I'll be working downtown in Hilo with the Office of Child Welfare...it's a great team of people. I'm starting in a Clerk Typist II position...which is actually a little more detailed than it sounds...I'm just happy to finally have gotten the position.

Last year was very taxing for my family and I'm so looking forward to 2008 being a productive year.

There's so much encouragement to be had from this forum...glad to be a part of it. Mahalo guys!



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Kelena - 01-11-2008

It's amazing when you learn that someone who is so upbeat, positive, knowledgeable and helpful to others has had a taxing year without you even realizing it. I'm sure that beautiful attitude and spirit will be welcome where you are going.

We are proud of you! Now pull us in!

RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Carolann R - 01-11-2008

I am humbled, Glen! Hey, the water's fine...(Carrie paddles to the other side of the hot pond...) c'mon in!!!



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Punamom - 01-11-2008

Thats FANTASTIC!!! Congrats Carrie!!! Hope we still hear from you on PW its been so dark and dreary lately and you are a bright spot here!

RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Carolann R - 01-11-2008

Miss chattin' with ya, Punamom! Hope all is well in your neck-o-the rainforest!! Thanks for your kind words. [:X]



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Iju - 01-11-2008

Congratulation, Carrie. This is fantastic. I am so happy for you.


RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Carey - 01-11-2008

VROOOmMMMmm (Thats Yahoo in harley...) Carrie, I know that this has been a very trying year + for you guys (does this mean your mom gets the table back???) great to hear that this came through for you ( you fleet fingered wonder!)

RE: Jobs in Hawaii Resource - Carolann R - 01-11-2008

Thanks Carey...Mom gets the table when I'm not sewing away trying to build inventory LOL!!! She's doin' great too. She's a trooper!!



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2