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New Hilo Farmer's Market - Printable Version

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RE: New Hilo Farmer's Market - Kapohocat - 09-03-2006

My 2 cents is to have a East side architect do it - not someone who does West side and Cali - it reflects both those styles and East side is not that style IMHO.

I am from Hollyweird area so why cant the arch use the style of the other buildings in Hilo to do a facade that matches the neighborhood? (Complete with the high tide lines from the tsunamis - ha ha ha )


Catherine Dumond
Blue Water Project Management
808 217-7578
"We help make building your dream home a reality"

RE: New Hilo Farmer's Market - Mahiai - 09-13-2006

That new Hilo Farmers market rendering looks more like it belongs in Baghdad than Hilo.