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I have a client who is doing architecural work for the new Hilo Farmer's Market. Today he sent me a rendering to post up on his website.
If you want to check out the rendering take a look here:
Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
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Andrew, Is that rendering to scale? The windows make it appear to be a 4 story building, yet it does not have the comparable height for the window/stories shown, against the neighbor 2 & three story structures. Or are they make a false window stories for the impression of a taller building? The colors are more Miami, but the style does have some of the bandstand elements from across the street.
Aloha, carey
Edited by - Carey on 09/01/2006 16:41:48
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The colors are not doing it for me they are just not Hilo,Hilo is to conservative.I would think it would be very expensive to try and reproduce the old architecture but maybe having arched windows would help and lowering the pole section in the front by one story its just way to proud. Love the lava look though.
But have your friend contact me when he's ready to make an architectual model I'm thinking of setting up shop here on HI.
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Hey all:
I am merely a messenger. I look after the guy's website and have no idea about scale or color or design etc.
Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
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I wonder if the guy that owns the land where the market is now and where the proposed building is going up owns the land across the street where the other vendors sell stuff? Since the bulding is multi-level there will be room for more vendors. I wonder if the part across the street will turn into parking. The market could use some more parking.
On another note, I suppose the owner will be charging higher fees now to the various vendors because of the expense of building the building. This in turn may well cause the prices to rise for the products for sale.
On another note. I wonder if the building owner is doing this project in order to get a larger slice of the cruise ship / tourist dollar pie. They made a pretty huge "International Market" on the Kona side and they bring bus loads of people from the cruise ship to it. Most of the stuff is tshirts, tourist related trinkets, aligatore shoes or whatever they are called (You know those big blobs of colorful plastic that are the rage at the moment) and all kinds of other junk like that.
Personally I like to get my fresh produce at the market and my tourist stuff elsewhere.
The Makuu Market may get bigger if the products and prices at the Hilo Market changes radically.
My 2 cents brought to you by,
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Is it my imagination or is it sticking out into the street?
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Looks like the circus came to town.
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Hey Andrew nice job getting it on the web. When I first heard of this idea of enclosing the market I was bumbed as I love the out of doors. Howard the Philly guy, town not sandwich! told me about the markets in Philadelphia and it sounded fabulous so a indoor market can be super. I previously envisioned an airport hanger, and no air flow! I like the concept, the roof, I even like the color LOL, but would suggest second and third floor balconies here and there or in the middle somewhere for the breezes to touch it up a bit with some fresh air. Too bad they didn't ask me when the concept was being drawn up, I'd give them my 2 cents worth! LOL
mella l
mella l
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Ooooooohh!! I like the circus!