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Court remands TMT sublease - Printable Version

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RE: Court remands TMT sublease - terracore - 03-23-2016

Sadly, I don't know what took them so long.

RE: Court remands TMT sublease - TomK - 03-23-2016

"The Earth-bound astronomers have had a good run, now it's time for them to gather with their fellow astrologers and be prepared for robot telescopes in space with artificial intelligence analysis. Good times ahead."

"I'm ready to give up.* When do you suggest we bow down to our robot overlords?"

I know a pretty decent science fiction author and astrophysicist (David L. Clements). I think I'll drop him a line about a new idea for a novel...

RE: Court remands TMT sublease - ironyak - 03-23-2016

Well I for one welcome our space robot telescope overlords and would like to remind them that we Big Island residents can be valuable workers in the PGV silica mine to supply their ever-growing array of lenses and mirrors (if they can get the permits of course)

RE: Court remands TMT sublease - TomK - 03-23-2016

In recent news, Japanese scientists have been working on robotic artificial intelligence astronomers, but they haven't got past the basics yet. This was the "how does the robot perform at the scientific conference dinner" test:


RE: Court remands TMT sublease - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-23-2016

I don't know if pouring beer is part of a Turing Test for robots, but it should be.
Artificial intelligence indeed. More like not ready for prime time. Not even ready for happy hour.

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard

RE: Court remands TMT sublease - TomK - 03-23-2016

The main reason it failed wasn't the spilled beer, it was that it had no way of drinking the beer afterwards. Big fail for an astronomer.

RE: Court remands TMT sublease - TomK - 03-23-2016

By the way, does anyone have a reliable source for the TMT costing $1.8 billion now? I know that's mentioned here:


but I haven't seen that figure quoted anywhere else and have not heard on the grapevine of an increased investment of 400 million dollars. I know this set Gypsy and PT off, but what doesn't?

In other unrelated news, how does 1.8/1.4=2?

"Wonder why the total cost to build this tmt has almost doubled in the past year in a half?"

RE: Court remands TMT sublease - ericlp - 03-24-2016

You know what they say... Throw enough money at any problem and it does seem to work itself out. Thank the Lord! In god we trust right????? Corruption get's you far it seems in 'merica....

RE: Court remands TMT sublease - TomK - 03-24-2016

ericlp - sorry, I don't understand your last post. Can you clarify?

RE: Court remands TMT sublease - dmbwest - 03-24-2016

Tom, as long as I am logged in here, I will opine that he just threw that up
in a ( 'late night') "moment " Cheena is + 6 hours on us.