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Furlough Friday coming back - Printable Version

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RE: Furlough Friday coming back - ironyak - 04-18-2020

Taxpayers need real information so they can make a decision.

Real information about what to make a decision about what exactly? Not arguing, just not following.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - Chunkster - 04-18-2020

Thanks for the link to Civil Beat, ironyak. It certainly adds some depth to the picture, and the outcome will remain unclear while the governor and the legislature duke it out. They can argue all they want about giving and getting accurate information, but painful cuts are going to have to be made unless the Feds drop some magic money into the picture. And even then, I suspect a bailout would only make the cuts somewhat less painful as opposed to making them go away. Of course, this will also filter down to the county level at some point, but maybe we should save that discussion until later.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - Obie - 04-18-2020

I know it's off topic but I wanted to finish this up.

"I don't believe they need any permission from the FAA."

They didn't need any permission because Northwest flew cargo only flights up to 2009. Delta bought Northwest and still held the rights to operate those flights.

As demand for medical supplies continues to grow in the U.S., vital supply lines are getting a boost today as Delta restarts regularly scheduled operations from China, with the launch of cargo-only flights between Shanghai and Detroit.

The flights will operate three times weekly using a fuel-efficient Airbus A350-900 aircraft, a widebody jet that can carry 49 tons of cargo in its hold. Once the cargo arrives in Detroit, it will be transferred to domestic passenger flights to be shipped to destinations around the U.S.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - Obie - 04-18-2020

Hawaii has the highest unemployment rate in the nation, USA Today reports

The level of unemployment in Hawaii has gotten terribly ugly over the past four weeks as businesses shuttered or scaled back amid the COVID-19 scourge.

It may even be the ugliest nationwide.

A ballpark calculation by USA Today concludes that Hawaii has had the highest rate of unemployment of all states during a four-week period ending April 11.

Hawaii’s rate of 21.7% topped Michigan at 21% and Rhode Island at 20.6%.

The lowest rates were 4.9% for South Dakota followed by 5.8% for West Virginia and 6.2% for Florida.

Hawaii’s rate during the period is up from 2.7% in the first two months of this year.

UHERO Director Carl Bonham noted at the time that the forecast contains uncertainty.

“There’s really not any comparison that you can make to an economy where you’ve basically shut down hospitality and tourism, and will remain shut down for several months,” he said. “We know Hawaii is already in a deep recession, and that recession will surpass anything that we’ve seen in our lifetimes.”

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - ironyak - 04-18-2020

(sorry editing timewarp) Above is from

based on - https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/04/14/coronavirus-unemployment-claims-caused-covid-19-crisis-state/5130034002/

Thanks Obie - is that the whole thing?

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - kalakoa - 04-18-2020

Use the non-paywalled version:


Real information about what to make a decision about what exactly?

s/taxpayers/business owners/

If I'm shut down and my business isn't coming back due to actions taken by government, then I need to figure out other sources of income. Small business loans/grants have run out. I might or might not be eligible for unemployment, but in either case it's not coming fast enough. Should I cut my losses? Maybe relocate to a state with a functioning government, if there are any left?

I'll starve waiting for Ige to figure it out, which means he's basically a failure, and here we are stuck with him for two more years. Maybe we should all remain patient while the economy continues to collapse? Furlough Fridays are looking pretty good right about now.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - kalakoa - 04-18-2020

A ballpark calculation by USA Today concludes ... Hawaii’s rate of 21.7% topped Michigan at 21% and Rhode Island at 20.6%.

The lowest rates were 4.9% for South Dakota followed by 5.8% for West Virginia and 6.2% for Florida.

From the beginning of March through Wednesday, DLIR reported receiving 244,330 initial unemployment claims. Based on a preliminary March estimate of 651,650 people in the state’s labor force, Hawaii’s unemployment rate would be 37% — or more than one out of every three people in the labor force.

Of course our own DLIR has a really scary figure compared to the USA Today.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - kalakoa - 04-18-2020

There’s really not any comparison that you can make to an economy where you’ve basically shut down hospitality and tourism

Shut down a big enough part of any economy and it will behave this same way. The fact that ours involves tourism is merely an unfortunate coincidence.

RE: Furlough Friday coming back - ironyak - 04-18-2020

Thanks kalakoa for the workaround - the USA Today article is 4 days old so more than a bit out of touch given the pace of change currently.

Looks like you should cast as wide a net as possible and hedge all the bets? As all the states are in the hole, the National Governor's Association is asking for 500 billion so not sure if there is somewhere better to run to currently (especially with all the moving / start up costs?)


RE: Furlough Friday coming back - Guest - 04-18-2020

Tourism? I suspect that buggah is near dead. On life support, but OMG do we really think we can revive it?

According to local stats Hawaii's unemployment rate is 37% right now. Any bets it goes as high as 50%? With that in mind I think the first question is how many of those unemployed are going to move away? Tourism is gone. How many will leave with it?

I suspect a 20% drop in pay is going to be real, and will be followed by an equally large reduction in our property values... and then there will be serious county level layoffs..