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Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - Printable Version

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Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - beejee - 05-02-2012

A friend sent me this petition. Have a look and sign if it is important to you.

Federal Aviation Administration: Modify laws for Helicopter flights over populated areas in Hawai'i


RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - MarkP - 05-02-2012

I frequent HPP and other areas of Puna a lot. I won't be signing this petition. I just don't think it is that bad. Admittedly I am a pilot and am biased.

RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - missydog1 - 05-02-2012

I support it.
Am being annoyed by loud aircraft as I type.
I agree with what the petition says that noise changes our autonomic functions and it is harmful. IMHO a sudden loud noise is harmful because our bodies react to it. Each time a helicopter goes over it disrupts everyone in the household, and I don't see why we have to be subjected to this as the price of living here.

I don't expect that any pilots or aircraft buffs will see past the bias and sign it, or any tour company employees, no surprise there. [Wink]

RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - nana valley - 05-02-2012

I live in Nanawale and helicopters don't seem to be a problem here. I've heard loud, tire-squealing cars/trucks to be a problem, however!

RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - gramps - 05-03-2012

Originally posted by MarkP

I frequent HPP and other areas of Puna a lot. I won't be signing this petition. I just don't think it is that bad. Admittedly I am a pilot and am biased.

I signed this petition and hope others will as well. Frequent visits are not be the same as "I live in HPP". Does being a pilot blind one to quiet enjoyment?


RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - Bullwinkle - 05-03-2012

Helicopters were here before I was (they were on Maui as well).... seems unfair to shut them down if they are following FAA requirements - live and let live, tourists gotta see, pilots need to eat... grin

on the upside they do seem to mitigate their routes by changing them around a bit from time to time.

DEA green harvest - a bunch of cowboys who will plant an aircraft one of these days - at 400 feet cruising 100mph - a unexpected sneeze could be bad news - look out below.....

RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - ericlp - 05-03-2012

I'd only support it ... *IF* it bans the Green Harvest invasion ... But it will be business as usual for the feds fly as low as they can before crashing into your home.

BUT for the tourist choppers that fly above the regulated altitude why keep them out of a job?

RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - missydog1 - 05-03-2012

Originally posted by Bullwinkle

Helicopters were here before I was (they were on Maui as well).... seems unfair to shut them down if they are following FAA requirements - live and let live, tourists gotta see, pilots need to eat... grin
Some points:

1) As tourism increases, especially the volcano tourism, flights increase. I doubt there were so many per day back when you arrived.

2) Population increases, areas develop, so more people are affected by flights than previously. Should flight routes not be adjusted to reflect demographic changes?

3) Do we really argue that residents cannot live peacefully on ag and residential land that is MILES from an actual airport, and should not buy into those areas if they want to avoid severe noise pollution? An airport zone is one thing, and subject to disclosure. I live in farm country way out of town, but because some tourists want to see a stream or waterfall, I should have to put up with the Apocalypse Now sound effects?

4) I agree about Green Harvest, should be banned, but not all people affected by tour helicopters are also harassed by Green Harvest. In my area the problem is tour helicopters and military flights, and sometimes the commercial flights fly really low although not all the time.

5) In the current housing market, people have very little mobility in terms of being able to sell and move. People are somewhat stuck in place. When the market was good, I could respond to a noise incursion increase by making a personal choice not to live there any more and make way for people who aren't bothered, but now I really can't do that.

6) Tourists would still spend money if the routes were away from residential areas. All they really care about is getting to that lava one way or another, and seeing at least one waterfalls if on the circle .... vistas will be dramatic no matter what.

Ed. Note I didn't say a word about Police, Fire, Rescue. I frequently get helo noise from that, but of course I would never complain about such important functions. However, I get enough of that type of necessary noise that the tour noise added to it is really too much. I would always have some aircraft noise, but I would like to ask for LESS, not zero.

RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - LeeE - 05-03-2012

Ditto Kathy's comments.

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

RE: Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition - Daniel - 05-03-2012

"Severe" noise politution? Ive lived here for more than ten years and never been annoyed by helicopters. I guess some people are more sensitive than others. I know it can be bad in some places but HPP isn't one of them. I don't mean to offend anyone but imagine if the energy used to fight the helicopters was used in a more productive way.

Daniel R Diamond