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What a sad ending - Printable Version

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What a sad ending - jrw - 09-05-2019

https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/mma/dana-white-bj-penns-ufc-career-is-over-after-recent-street-fight-videos/ar-AAGQFxF?li=BBnba9I It a shame he has fallen this far.


RE: What a sad ending - Chunkster - 09-05-2019

Thug life has a way of doing that.

RE: What a sad ending - Seeb - 09-05-2019

Are there boxing commissions anymore?

RE: What a sad ending - EightFingers - 09-05-2019

Sometimes your life is best served as an example.

Puna: Our roosters crow first

RE: What a sad ending - rainyjim - 09-05-2019

Our youth need better role models.

RE: What a sad ending - dan d - 09-06-2019



RE: What a sad ending - randomq - 09-06-2019

Maybe UFC and the glorification of violence should end as well.

RE: What a sad ending - 2liveque - 09-06-2019

Ha ha ha ha.

America IS violence. America was FOUNDED on violence. We 'mericans LOVE us some violence. Violence THRIVES in the good ol USA. Gods bless 'merica.

Now bring me some Nate, some Khabib, some Bones Jones, and Max Hollaway. Because as a proud, tax paying, gods loving 'Merican, I do love me some violent sports! oh...and by the way.....Are you ready for some football? yeaaaaaaah. I was getting tired of preseason games and bullriding on fox. The NFL is one of the greatest, most entertaining forms of glorified violence. Gods bless those high paid violent fools.

RE: What a sad ending - Punatic007 - 09-06-2019

Human brain isn't capable of handling many blows without sustaining permanent damage as can be observed in some retired football players sporadically behaving like mad men. We know this yet violent sports are still legal. I wonder if Neanderthals may have been smarter than homo sapiens.

RE: What a sad ending - imwithstoopid - 09-06-2019

Are you kidding, they are now pushing bare-knuckle fighting male and female.

Originally posted by randomq

Maybe UFC and the glorification of violence should end as well.

Don't be an sesquipedalian, Eschew Obfuscation.....

Sometimes, when I see the neighborhood children make small discoveries of their own, I wish I were a child.
With apologies to Dr. Seuss