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off island (wanting an estimate to clear a lot) - Printable Version

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off island (wanting an estimate to clear a lot) - ericlp - 09-22-2020

Looking for an estimate to clear a lot, and put in septic tank for hawaiian shores area.  Only problem is, I'm not not currently on the island... Anyone know someone that does good work?  Quote a fair price. Currently, traveling, but I'll be back next year sometime. 

Should be pretty straight forward, about 1/4 acre and want it level as it slopes upward. Would be great, if I could have the lot cleared, driveway and house pad, water meter installed and building permit in the que by the time I get back.  

Thank you for your help.

RE: off island (wanting an estimate to clear a lot) - Thronester - 10-10-2020


RE: off island (wanting an estimate to clear a lot) - Chas - 10-11-2020

I assume you read the other septic thread, in which another member and I recommended Nick Moore:


They did a great job on my lot and septic tank. I'm not sure if they would be interested with you being off island, but worth a try.