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Lava, she's back....
Last night the lava flow was over taking several mango trees at the base of the pali. The mango trees were loaded with hundreds of melting common mango's above, as the lava flow moved around the trees below.
The lava flow constantly made sounds throughout the night of breaking glass bottles or the cracking of wood in a large bonfire. The wall of lava on the flats moved very slowly but the rivers of lava a half mile up the pali were swift and impressive. Sitting and Sleeping next to the flow was warm, and somewhat hypnotizing. An annoyingly low flying helicopter did show up around 6 a.m to film the flow for at least a half an hour, hope they got some good footage.
Sure glad we went out last night to see the lava flow up close, the place looked like a zoo tonight(hundreds of tourist cars) and the county was expecting everyone to walk the dusty emergency road about 3 miles each way.

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