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Robot Navy Ships at Pearl Harbor
The Navy is about to test large high tech unmanned robot ships from Pearl Harbor.  When the TMT protests occurred a few years ago, one of the loudest accusations and criticisms was that the Mauna Kea observatories engaged in military activities, and used military applications such as adaptive optics and lasers. They do use adaptive optics and lasers but neither are related to military use.

The Navy clearly engages in military activities and uses deadly weapons, some of which will be tested out of Pearl Harbor in waters  sacred to Native Hawaiians.  There have been a few public statements issued, some signs carried, but The Protectors are conspicuously silent on an issue they have stated is of the utmost importance to them.  I have heard people say we should use the Hawaiian name for the harbor area, Pu’uloa, but never that there are enough ships, too many ships, dangerous advanced technology, or that all ships should be decommissioned and removed, returning the area to its original use for the Native Hawaiian people.

“The military has a long history of poor stewardship of Hawaii’s natural and cultural resources,” Carmen Hulu Lindsey, chair of the board of trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, said in an email in response to questions. 

Kaiali‘i Kahele, a combat pilot who serves as an officer in the Hawaii National Guard, has invoked the Hawaiian word hewa, which can mean sinful or wrong, to describe the Navy water contamination. He has also called it “crisis of astronomical proportions.”*
He traces his Native Hawaiian family’s roots to a small fishing village near the southern tip of Hawaii’s Big Island where there’s no running water and residents rely on catching rain.
Elders instilled in him that every drop is precious.
“All life originated through having healthy, fresh water,” Kahele said.

Sacred waters of Pearl Harbor:

Robot war ships in Hawaii:

* "Astronomic proportions."  
Noteworthy description, considering Kahele's dismissive and short sighted views on astronomy.
Yes, I find it puzzling that at both Pearl Harbor and Pohakuloa, there are far fewer protests than at the summit. Pearl Harbor is probably a lost cause given its strategic importance, but why is live bombing ok anywhere on this island?
Certainty will be the death of us.
Puna related ?

Mention Pohakuloa doesn't make it so.

I hope they test with more and more with dolphins too. Real, organic intelligence..Anything to make us safer from foreign Invaders.

zumwalt .. cool but .....

whining useless .do something yeah ??
"So long, and thanks for all the fish".
whining useless .do something yeah ??

Yes! Exactly!  Thank you!
Read Kahele’s comments, OHA’s comments about water then look at who did something more than issuing a statement concerning Red Hill:
Hawaii Dept of Health
Sierra Club
Honolulu Board of Water

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