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The Bicker Board
Point taken.  Thank you Kalianna.  It has reached that point hasn't it.  MyManao please post any further attacks on my creditably [sic] here.
I wish you all the best.
You can always use the personal insults thread, also available for your convenience.
Certainty will be the death of us.
I don’t think it’s Punatang who needs to be directed to use the bicker board or the personal insults thread.
Anyone want to bicker about our county government having blessing ceremonies?
This has been Hawaiian protocol for hundreds of years. I donʻt think it hurts to remind ourselves that we are stewards of the land weʻre about to alter. Do you see it as a church vs. state thing?
Certainty will be the death of us.
Yeah, separation of church and state. I don't think governments should be doing anything to legitimize magical thinking.

Reminding ourselves we are stewards of the land is codified into our environmental impact studies and permitting process now, no?
Thereʻs the legal stuff and then thereʻs the moral stuff. Banning protocol for government events strikes me as pretty similar to banning hula or olelo Hawai'i. Protocol doesnʻt hurt (unless youʻre waiting to eat) and may focus peopleʻs attention to malama aina. So I respectfully disagree. Do we need to take this off the Bicker Board? :-)
Certainty will be the death of us.
I guess what confounds things is the conflation of religion and cultural practice. A cultural ceremony where ōlelo, chant, or song are used to share Hawaiian values around the aina sounds nice. A religious ceremony initiated by the state, not so much...

I hope we don't get banned from the bicker board.
(09-13-2024, 06:45 PM)randomq Wrote: Anyone want to bicker about our county government having blessing ceremonies?

I think it's a nonstarter. Has no bearing on reality at all other than to be a fake issue on Bicker Board. More a sign of boredom than anything worthy of discussion. If someone doesn't like it blink and it will pass.. but why care at all? It's just what people do. It brings no harm and makes them feel good. Even if one doesn't understand or feel compelled to participate why say anything?
I agree with you about not wanting religious ceremony initiated by the state. Now weʻve really ruined this thread.
Certainty will be the death of us.

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