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Super Ferry Bankruptcy
This is in today's Honolulu Advertiser:

I thought this attached comment accurate:

"When things go wrong you don't blame all the little people, you blame the one in charge, the ones in power to do something about it, the ones who are supposed to think before hand.

The Lawmakers
The Mayor
The Governor"

Before there was a Hawaii Super Ferry there was another identical ferry which passed through Hilo on it's way from New Zealand (I think) to the Great Lakes where, after about six months, it too went bankrupt. Don't know the details but it was not due to any environmental studies.

I will say it is too bad it was handled so terribly. They are beautiful ships and agree that the whole situation was mishandled by HSF and the state. But it all might have just ended up like the Great Lakes effort anyway.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
The ships not sunk yet.

The "Hawaii Superferry" is only a name/company.

The ship can always be renamed "USS Aloha" and be brought back to the islands by the Feds.[:0]

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
Actually you could be correct. Very often ill managed ventures like the HSF can find a successful career after substantial debt has been written off in bankruptcy court. New owners with a lighter burden could well find a place for these ships. More likely they will end up with new names in Europe than Hawaii though. I could easily picture them on runs between Italy and Greece.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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