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Something really upsetting
Something really upsetting

In the national news today CNN and others have reported some older folks are in drier straights and it may have very well cost them their lives. Aids, hepatis, and a multitude of other life threatening maladies have been happening in hospitals across the nation. This is due to the Hypo colonic, oxygenated colonic, and other colonic treatments, and people these treatments are being done in sterile surroundings [hospitals.]
It has been determined that the colonic treatments are causing deaths because instruments have not been sterilized properly when REUSED and should have been disposable equipment.

This scares me to death, because there are so many people doing colonic treatment out of their homes for money and have little professional training. It seems that all you need is a few hours of certified instruction to get a license and a a place to do bussiness.

I am a colon cancer survivor and have been hounded by private colonic operators to KEEP MYSELF CLEAR AND CLEAN from future cancers by having Hypo colonic done on a regular basic. Where did these people get my name and their information? Thank God, that I have been reluctant to have someone stick a tube up my butt for “my own good.”

I know that this is a subject that most don’t want to hear because of it’s very nature. Flim Flam is one thing, but the death of a human because another person wants to make a buck has got to stop.
[Sad!] [V] [:0]

The Lack
Yes Lack it is upsetting and not just the flim flam. A clinic in Nevada was shuttered a year or so ago. Re using needles in anesthesia for people undergoing sigmoid s and such. This clinic specialized in those type of procedures. Actually there were two of these clinic's in Nevada. Well if I recall all previous patients were recalled for blood tests as they were exposed to hep c hiv and other blood diseases. Nice and they paid for this assault and insult! Geez. Stay healthy and stay away from the hospital if you can.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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