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vicky, it would help if you clarify what you mean by safe. Personal safety from being attacked? Very good. Safety from theft? No guarantees, and it will depend on you to some extent. It is sketchier on the east side regarding property break-ins. In Waikoloa, my son can leave his door unlocked; he knows his neighbors and his house isn't out of sight on some 1 acre wooded lot. Not that I recommend Waikoloa; he lives there because his work is there. I don't like the desert climate and dusty wind, and it really isn't very Hawaiian in feel.
I agree with Kathy. Personal safety is pretty much a given in almost all of Hawaii. Murders are rare and most physical violence is done within families.

Having said that, thefts & break ins are a serious problem in many places and Puna certainly no exception. HPP is having a problem with them right now, but they happen in many places. People are getting desperate in these bad times and thieves are at the bottom of the barrel. It would not surprise me to hear of more violence involved when people try and protect themselves.

In my old Chicago neighborhood of Lincoln Park(upscale)there has recently been a rash of muggings (7 in 5 days)where the victims have been beaten to a pulp and robbed. All victims are males and walking alone. The robberies have happened with such frequency that it has become a huge issue. This kind of thing never happened in the 15 years I lived there. I believe it is a sign of the times. People are taking risks in order to get cash, for whatever reason.

Other than doing smart things like not making yourself a target, the best remedy in the remote regions such as Puna is Neighborhood Watches like what Jerry is doing in HPP. The police are so far from many places, that even if you call 911 response time is very bad.

Kathy is also right, in that there are many safe neighborhoods where people do not even lock their doors. I do not think you will find many of those in Puna. Many neighborhoods in and around Hilo are very safe, as well as most along the Hamakua Coast. This partially because neighbors have lived their for lifetimes and everyone knows everybody and watches out for them. This is being replicated in Neighborhood Watches to a degree.

I also agree with Kathy on Waikola & dry side of Waimea. No way would I want to live there regardless of how safe it is. I crave the lushness of our part of Hawaii Island. But I love to go there to visit and my work takes me over there 2-3 times a month which is about all I can stand of it.

You need to do your homework, looking up crime stats and staying in the neighborhoods you are considering living in. There are tons of vacation rentals all over Puna.

And yes, the archives here are loaded with information too.

Vicky, good luck to you in your move and the big decisions that are ahead of you. Most of us faced them at one time and many of us believe that the move to this island is the best thing that ever happened to us. Hawaii can grab your heart and never let go.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

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