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Update on the PCDP Action Committee process

This message was posted today by the CoH Planning Department

Aloha Puna,

The supplemental application period for the Puna CDP Action Committee closed on Septermber 4 with a total of 10 new applications being recieved. These included all applications that were submitted to the Planning Department or Mayor's Office after the initial application period closed on December 5, 2008.

The same people that made up the Review Committee that evaluated applications recieved in the initial application period last January and made recommendations to the Planning Director & Mayor for appointment participated in the evaluation and recommendation process for these new applications. The Review Committee also re-considered all remaining qualified applicants from the intial process that were not included in the top 18 candidates selected for a follow-up interview with the Review Committee and selected 5 additional applicants to interview. Of those 5, two subsequently withdrew their applications.

On Friday, October 2, 2009 the Review Committee completed all additional interviews and deliberations on its recommendations to the Planning Director & Mayor for appointment to the Puna CDP Action Committee. On Monday, October 5, the Planning Director approved the recommendations of the Review Committee and forwarded them on to the Mayor.

October 21 is the earliest possible date nominations from the Mayor can be heard by the full Council, assuming the Director's request for a waiver from reading before the Planning Committee is waived. Tomorrow, 10/9 at noon is the deadline for getting request from the Mayor to the Council for the matter to get on the Council's 10/21 agenda.

Rachelle and I will keep you posted on developments as they become known. All nominees will be notified immediately upon confirmation that confirmation hearings have been placed on the agenda. It is important that all nominees attended the confirmation hearings if it is reasonably possible to do so.

A hui hou,

Larry Brown, Planner
County of Hawaii, Planning Department
101 Pauahi Street, Suite 3
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: (808) 961-8135
Fax: (808) 961-8742
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Aloha Larry,

Thank you all for your time and continued effort on behalf of the Puna CDP. There has been a fair bit of overtime I suspect and the overall effort has certainly gone into unexpected extra innings.

FoPF looks forward to Mayor Kenoi placing names into nomination very soon. By all indications that we have heard there are a lot of good people stepping forward for the AC. We will be there to support the process.

Mahalo to Larry, Rachelle, Hannah and Jeffrey ( who am I missing?).

Rob Tucker
Friends of Puna's Future
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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