02-06-2015, 10:27 AM
February 21 to March 22 with opening reception Feb. 21, 5-7pm.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park: The Volcano Art Center Gallery presents From the Summons of Art, an exhibit featuring Patti Pease Johnson’s new work. This Big Island artist takes a multimedia excursion, plus challenges some possible combinations of intuitive responses to colors and shapes of Hawaii in silk, clay, pastel, and watercolor. All HVNP events are free; although park entrance fees apply. Open 9-5 daily. Call 808-967-7565 or visit www.volcanoartcenter.org
Three workshops for beg./int. students presented. Paint Your Own Silk Scarf, Sat Feb 28, 9-12:30; Experimental Watercolor, Sat. March 7, 12-3:30; Soft Pastel Still Life, Sat. March 14, 9-12. Open to VAC members and non-members. Call 967-8222 VAC Niaulani Campus in the Village.