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Rocketed Firecrackers in HPP
Don't like the fireworks? Move to CA or Chicago. While there are a very few cities that allow them in CA, they are illegal in IL. Of course there are people that drive across to Indiana to buy them, but people are generally vigilant to turn in those who break the law and put homes and lives in danger. In most of CA you would have to be an absolute fool to light fireworks, it is a tinder box, which makes me wonder if they also have fireworks in Kona, as there were already two brushfires burning there last week.

Our cat is an inside cat and neither she or out dog have ever had a reaction to fireworks or loud noises (probably because they lived in noisy downtown Chicago before moving here.) I have had friends though with dogs that went absolutely bonkers. East Hawaii is not a good place for animals that react badly to such noises. We went to a party last night in HPP (where the noise of local firecrackers was deafening at midnight and lasted about 20 minutes)and the hosts boarded their dogs in a Kennel that had sound proofing. Smart idea if you have animals that freak out. It costs less than medication (which includes a Dr. visit) and you know that they are being cared for during the duration. As we drove through Hilo neighborhoods on our way home last night, it was evident that some are far worse for fireworks than others. Our neighborhood has only one family with children and they have been exploding fireworks for a week, and there is a huge ugly mess in front of their house now. The sunrise was quite red and smoky this morning. Personally, I don't get it, most of the noise I heard last night was an unending string of hundreds of plain old firecrackers. They are noisy, smoky and stinky... why would anyone want that??? I can see doing the ones that actually light up the sky and inspire "ohh's and ahh's" but simply blasting stinky smoke for hours on end makes no sense to me, especially in this economy & environment (vog etc.). It is one of those things that leaves me shaking my head and saying to myself, "What were they thinking?"

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Us locals, believe the firecrackers will chase away the evil spirits. Never heard of the dragon one.
I've talked to lots of locals who believe in evil spirits and the need to drive them away, and not just Chinese, other ethnicities too. I guess the dragons are more a China thing, lol ... but keep your eyes open, Puna!
Originally posted by KathyH

Yay, thanks for letting me know it all turned out well. I am a worrier myself. My main fear is that they'll bolt into the road or go into an area where they shouldn't and encounter a killer dog. So far so good. I set up a litter box as well, so they could be self-contained inside. ;-)

My calico was not in her usual sleeping last night and I was mildly concerned but when I called for breakfast she came down the hall from the bedroom, so I guess she was just hiding under the bed.

My fears are similar. None of our neighbors have big dogs, but I was afraid they'd bolt into unfamiliar territory and fall in a lava tube or something. But I think they have their favorite safe spots in the yard. If we had a bigger house, they'd be indoor cats. But once they've been out, that's a hard decision to make for them. They sure slept a lot the next day lol, except the one who got locked in before we woke up. He had a pretty relaxing day in my son's a/c room (good white noise).

Well I think we can all breath easier now :-) Except for the vog...
Originally posted by Devany

We went to a party last night in HPP (where the noise of local firecrackers was deafening at midnight and lasted about 20 minutes)and the hosts boarded their dogs in a Kennel that had sound proofing. Smart idea if you have animals that freak out.

Excellent idea! And dogs generally take to kennels well (unlike cats, but then cats don't generally get as upset as dogs can).
Last night, January 4, at around 11:30 I was awakened by firecrackers or gunshots. I'm not sure which. All my neighbors' homes were dark as if they'd all gone to bed. I had fallen asleep in the livingroom with one of my cats. He usually hightails it to my son's room at the first firecracker,but this time went to the sliding glass door staring out as if he saw something. It sounded like it was right in our yard. The field backs up to Railroad (between Paradise and Kaloli). I was fully awake after the first few as was my cat so I know what I heard after I awoke was really close. I wonder if someone driving by shot a gun or what. I understand the cultural significance of the noisy firecrackers but it's really unnerving when you think they're pau and then out of the blue - BANG BANG BANG.

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