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Sunday, Dec. 2 - Hilo Community Chorus
Aloha, friends and neighbors! Come hear many of your local HPP songbirds of the Hilo Community Chorus (Gail, Theresa, Michael, Carol, Benno, Rosa, et al.) HCC has been a part of the local music scene for the past several decades. The Community Chorus has long delighted Hilo residents with an annual concert of Christmas music, both secular and popular, and spanning centuries of choral history.

This year’s concert, “Let Carols Ring”, under the direction of conductor Thomas Alexander, will be held on Sunday, December 2, at 3 pm at the Church of the Holy Cross, 440 W. Lanikaula Street in Hilo. This year’s program will be a “first” - all music has been composed or arranged in the 21st century. The repertoire will include old favorites heard in new ways, such as “A Family Christmas Spectacular” by Douglas Wagner and “Three Carols from France”; and also pieces destined to become new classics, such as Eric Barnum’s “Sweeter Still” and Carl Schroeder’s “Two December Carols: Snowflake Song, and Wisdom.”

Admission is free. A calabash will be available for donations, and donations of non-perishable food items for the church's local Food Basket ministry will also be gratefully accepted.

Hope to see you there! It's really a fun event!

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