01-11-2016, 10:42 AM
Want to share your best life stories and lessons with your family and friends? Or maybe just preserve them for your own joy? Sally K. O’Brien believes that everything that you’ve ever been, or done, or thought, or known, or experienced up to this present moment has given you the background to recall and write your story. In this eight-week writing workshop, participants will experiment, explore, and journey to find their own voice. Learning and practicing this step-by-step process will help produce a polished piece of writing to share.
January 26 - March 15, 2016, Tuesdays, 4:15-6:15pm, UH Hilo, K-126, 8 Classes, $80
Required materials: Participants will need a special journal, spiral notebook and pens for class use, as well as computer availability for polishing drafts on their own.
For more information, disability accommodations, or to register, call the College of Continuing Education and Community Service at 974-7664 (V) or 933-3334 (TTY). Or find out more about the class on our web page http://hilo.hawaii.edu/academics/ccecs/C...eStory.php
January 26 - March 15, 2016, Tuesdays, 4:15-6:15pm, UH Hilo, K-126, 8 Classes, $80
Required materials: Participants will need a special journal, spiral notebook and pens for class use, as well as computer availability for polishing drafts on their own.
For more information, disability accommodations, or to register, call the College of Continuing Education and Community Service at 974-7664 (V) or 933-3334 (TTY). Or find out more about the class on our web page http://hilo.hawaii.edu/academics/ccecs/C...eStory.php