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Women in local astronomy
A wonderful event was held in Hilo yesterday (Friday 2nd, March). It was so good to see that the observatories here lead the way with women in science. Unfortunately, it's not always the case elsewhere and there is still a lot of work remaining.

"During a keynote speech to attendees, Dempsey recounted a defining moment that inspired her to pursue her doctorate in astrophysics: “For me, the drive to succeed in science was instilled in me by a helpful university professor. As a first year physics student, I asked him a question on the lecture. Instead of answering, he patted me on the head and consoled me: ‘Don’t worry about it. Women really aren’t capable of understanding the hard sciences. It’s not your fault.’ It was the most inspirational thing anyone has ever told me.”"

I've worked closely with Jess Dempsey for many years and am proud to have done so. Without a doubt, she is one of the most outstanding scientists I've known, not just because of her ability in astrophysics, but skills she has brought to the management of a diverse community and her strength in standing up to idiocy.
Good article in the Trib about this today:

And video:
I always did think it was odd that men dominate the field.

Okay Google... Who are these people and why ain't they working?
Alaskyn - just curious but could you expand on that? It's quite well known that women in the physical sciences are well unrepresented but was curious why you think astronomy would be different? Your answer might be very helpful. Many thanks.

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