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DLNR cat killing apparently to ramp up on Kauai
Looks like DLNR finally decided to take responsibility for what goes on on their property and outlaw environmentally damaging conduct.



This one says Larry Ellison converted Lanai to a cat kingdom and mentioned 600 free-roaming cats. I highly doubt it. I visited that cat sanctuary long before Ellison bought Lanai.
Excerpt link 1: "The Hawaiian Humane Society says the rules discouraging people from feeding feral animals at the harbor could be harmful...We.... support responsibly managed cat colonies through spay/neuter services...

Here we go again--the Humane Society lobbying for cat colonies, Trap, Neuter and Return. Alternatively, the Humane Society and its allies could set up no-kill cat rescue centers. The cats could live out their natural lives here.

Cat lovers could visit the fenced sites daily, carrying for the animals, as happens in so many other rescue centers for animals across the nation. Certainly some cat lover could donate a vacant parcel of land for the purpose. Or the animal lovers could pool money to buy/rent several sites. Funding their hobby.

But No, these people expect to run TNR operations on public lands--parks, harbors, roadsides like the street between UHH and Imiloa. So nuisances like cat feces pile up. And we have continued feral cat predation on Hawaii's endangered birds.
I too support responsibly managed cat colonies such as the type MarkD describes, fenced in on private property where the cats live out their lives. Unfortunately the vast majority of cat colonies are more like informal dog fighting operations where the stated goal is to pit cats against each other in a fight to the death for food and all the surrounding wildlife are the bait animals.

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