03-09-2006, 04:16 AM
I ran across a story in the Chicago Tribune last Sunday that really touched me. A 12-year boy in a neighboring suburban town found out recently he has terminal leukemia. His lifelong dream was to visit Hawai'i, but due to his deteriorating health, the doctors won't let him make the trip. A local business called Barefoot Hawaiian (I've exchanged emails with the owner in the past) donated hula dancers, food etc so they could bring Hawaii to this brave little guy. I had to shoot off an email to Barefoot Hawaiian just to tell them what a wonderful thing they're doing, thank them for making my day, and ask if I could contribute in any way. Here's the response I received from B.H.'s owner, Gwen Kennedy:
"Thank you so much for this email. I am so thankful that we have met Tylercand feel so frustrated that we canft get him to Hawaii. Tyler has touched my heart and thousands more, in so many ways.
Friday night is his Luau for Life at Willow Creek Church, where he will get even more of what he desires..COCONUTS! I thought and thought of what would bring him the islands the most..so we are having Plumeria flowers and leis sent from MolokafI and Oahu and we will present to him on Friday. He will SMELL the islands all around him!
He is such a mature 12 year old and such a little gentleman.
Again, Tim, thanks for your message."
Sorry for being melodramatic here, but the story really touched me. Never imagined a 12-year old could inspire me so much.
Here's a link to the article:http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chicago/chi-0603060132mar06,1,7641191.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
Hopefully the link goes through, it's worth reading.
"Thank you so much for this email. I am so thankful that we have met Tylercand feel so frustrated that we canft get him to Hawaii. Tyler has touched my heart and thousands more, in so many ways.
Friday night is his Luau for Life at Willow Creek Church, where he will get even more of what he desires..COCONUTS! I thought and thought of what would bring him the islands the most..so we are having Plumeria flowers and leis sent from MolokafI and Oahu and we will present to him on Friday. He will SMELL the islands all around him!
He is such a mature 12 year old and such a little gentleman.
Again, Tim, thanks for your message."
Sorry for being melodramatic here, but the story really touched me. Never imagined a 12-year old could inspire me so much.
Here's a link to the article:http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chicago/chi-0603060132mar06,1,7641191.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
Hopefully the link goes through, it's worth reading.
A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius