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Sad but uplifting story
I ran across a story in the Chicago Tribune last Sunday that really touched me. A 12-year boy in a neighboring suburban town found out recently he has terminal leukemia. His lifelong dream was to visit Hawai'i, but due to his deteriorating health, the doctors won't let him make the trip. A local business called Barefoot Hawaiian (I've exchanged emails with the owner in the past) donated hula dancers, food etc so they could bring Hawaii to this brave little guy. I had to shoot off an email to Barefoot Hawaiian just to tell them what a wonderful thing they're doing, thank them for making my day, and ask if I could contribute in any way. Here's the response I received from B.H.'s owner, Gwen Kennedy:

"Thank you so much for this email. I am so thankful that we have met Tylercand feel so frustrated that we canft get him to Hawaii. Tyler has touched my heart and thousands more, in so many ways.

Friday night is his Luau for Life at Willow Creek Church, where he will get even more of what he desires..COCONUTS! I thought and thought of what would bring him the islands the we are having Plumeria flowers and leis sent from MolokafI and Oahu and we will present to him on Friday. He will SMELL the islands all around him!

He is such a mature 12 year old and such a little gentleman.

Again, Tim, thanks for your message."

Sorry for being melodramatic here, but the story really touched me. Never imagined a 12-year old could inspire me so much.

Here's a link to the article:,1,7641191.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

Hopefully the link goes through, it's worth reading.


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
okay, the link didn't work. Now just gotta figure out how to re-edit...a tall order considering I haven't finished my first cup of any rate, you can google Chicago Tribune, and search for the article in the Trib's archives. I typed in key words Tyler and Barefoot Hawaiian. Here's the link to the Tribune homepage:


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
1 article found on search for:
tyler barefoot hawaii
Search took 0.19 seconds.

Week to remember for lifetime
March 6, 2006
By Jason George / Tribune staff reporter
When 12-year-old Tyler Duncan learned last week that his leukemia had returned and he will most likely die in the next few months, he gave all those around him a simple instruction: Let's party. On Sunday, Tyler, who has spent the last 18 months fighting...

What spirit he has Tim. Many young cancer patients are mature beyond their years as they have seen so much, and are in constant contact with a well educated medical community. Also many families facing this horrendous situation learn to face it head on and prepare, with the help of other professionals, it is a very maturing process. It is heart touching that so many people who do not know Tyler directly, have worked together to help him celebrate life, Hawaii, a they to celebrate a Brave young boy. Thank you for sharing this with us, it gives you back a little faith in the human condition. NOW if we could just kill cancer. This article shows how people Choose to Make a Difference, in their own lives and the lives of those in need.
Mahalo Tim, and Aloha Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Aloha Mella and thanks for your response. The story not only makes you want to help the kid, it humbles you - makes you want to be a braver, better person. (Suddenly the powder post beetle infestation doesn't seem like much of a problem.) I just wish the doctors could clear him to go. If they change their mind, I offered up our home to him and his family, although I think Oahu might be closer to what Tyler had in mind. I also have some friends high up in the hotel industry in Oahu, so in the event that he COULD go, I think I might be able to cash in some favors in Waikiki if the docs reverse their decision. Wish we could find a local celebrity to fly him over in comfort on a private plane. Sounds like something the "Make a Wish Foundation" might be interested in...
Any other ideas out there on how to bring Hawaii to Tyler?
Thanks again for caring enough to read and respond.


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

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