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Opposed to the TMT? You ain't seen nuthin...
"Resolution supports stricter standards for wireless facilities"

While the headline seems reasonable, you only have to read a few paragraphs before realizing what this is all about:

"South Kona/Ka‘u Councilwoman Maile David, who co-sponsored the resolution with Puna Councilman Matt Kaneali‘i-Kleinfelder, said the public has demonstrated concerns about the technology, and the council needs to make a statement

“We want to make sure the safety and health of the community will be considered, especially in this day and age when technology is going crazy,” David said.

Scores of testifiers came out in July to support a previous nonbinding resolution calling for telecommunication companies and public utilities operating in the county to halt 5G development until independent research and testing concludes it is safe for humans."

I would also like to point out that the PW editing tool sucks.

In the meantime:

"Asked if Love Has Won is a cult, Kramer said, "No. We’re a religion."

We’re a group based on the ascension of the planet. We focus on astrology, on weather patterns, mainly medicine,” he said. “Our main form of work is the Gaia’s whole healing essentials. We offer other types of healing modalities."

Next time you visit your doctor I advise you to ask about planetary ascension, healing modalities, Gaia, astrology and medical weather patterns. Good luck.
It's not the technology that's going crazy...

Anyway, my carrier already operates 5G here all over the island, so it's only a matter of time until Maile and Matt's auras are eroded and they are too weak to resist our psychic onslaught. Their primitive crystals are no match for our 256QAM modulation and MIMO panels.
There is a federal law (FCC) saying local governments can Not regulate EMR .
Love and Keaau cats shall rule the world!
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
Planning Commission already has an unwritten rule about "fall radius" (including "trees knocked over which might then fall beyond the original tower radius" and especially "fallen tower could block the highway"). It applies to any cell tower SUP in Ag zoning, but not to existing cell towers (the fake tree off Ainaloa) or towers in C zoning (the Keaau Foodland parking lot).

Puna country folk should be safe. Unless the cell tower operators find 10-acre sites well away from the road. Besides, we can all just get landlines.
Besides, we can all just get landlines.

I've heard about this dangerous landline technology.  Doesn't it depend on massive amounts of "poles" that require entire forests are cut down? CO2 absorbing and sequestering forests.  Don't the poles then get treated with toxic substances so they won't rot or become termite food?  Those toxin infused poles are placed into deep holes which leach poison directly into our sacred water table.  The poles then carry thousands, millions of miles of wires that stretch across our beautiful Hawaiian skies from horizon to horizon.  And aren't these wires brought directly into your home along with who knows what else?

No thanks, I prefer the environmentally friendly, invisible, non-invasive 5G.

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