03-08-2012, 09:42 AM
Friendly reminder about the Pahoa Community Garden work PARTY this Saturday from 3 till pau. With your help we will rehabilitate this space into a beautiful edible oasis right in the middle of Pahoa Village, just across from Cash & Carry.
The site has been weedwhacked, mulch has been dropped off, plants have been donated, IMO's have been made, but we can still use more. If you have any plants you'd like to bring, cardboard, some soil, some tools (especially hand sickles, o'o bars, picks, machetes, shovels, etc), or some extra friends, then bring them on down to the garden anytime. You'll see a good place to drop off supplies right in front.
This garden PARTY is organized by the Pahoa Museum and East Hawaii Timebank. Volunteers will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about the timebank and to get you signed up. Annual dues just $5. If you become a member you get time dollars just for helping out at this garden party, then you can go out and get a massage, help in your yard or other service from another timebank member!
We encourage everyone to come out, whether you can help in the garden or not. You can bring some food to share, even help paint some signs or just hang out and talk story with your neighbor. Hope to see you all there!!!
The folks at East Hawaii Timebank
ps. we arranged to pickup some cardboard at Longs in Pahoa this evening (Thurs @ 6). Give us a call if you'd like to help with this. 982-8925
Friendly reminder about the Pahoa Community Garden work PARTY this Saturday from 3 till pau. With your help we will rehabilitate this space into a beautiful edible oasis right in the middle of Pahoa Village, just across from Cash & Carry.
The site has been weedwhacked, mulch has been dropped off, plants have been donated, IMO's have been made, but we can still use more. If you have any plants you'd like to bring, cardboard, some soil, some tools (especially hand sickles, o'o bars, picks, machetes, shovels, etc), or some extra friends, then bring them on down to the garden anytime. You'll see a good place to drop off supplies right in front.
This garden PARTY is organized by the Pahoa Museum and East Hawaii Timebank. Volunteers will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about the timebank and to get you signed up. Annual dues just $5. If you become a member you get time dollars just for helping out at this garden party, then you can go out and get a massage, help in your yard or other service from another timebank member!
We encourage everyone to come out, whether you can help in the garden or not. You can bring some food to share, even help paint some signs or just hang out and talk story with your neighbor. Hope to see you all there!!!
The folks at East Hawaii Timebank
ps. we arranged to pickup some cardboard at Longs in Pahoa this evening (Thurs @ 6). Give us a call if you'd like to help with this. 982-8925