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Art in Hilo tonight!
Come on down, up or over to The Red Space in Hilo tonight for SHOWCASE X 3 featuring the work of 3 Local Artists, including Yours Truly!

Bea Israel - Oils, Acrylics, Drawings
Linda Peterson - Acrylics and Mixed Media
Diane Thornton - Watercolor & Ink, Paper Mosaics

The show runs through Friday, Oct. 11, but we'll have opening reception tonight 5–8 pm.
130 Kilauea, next door to One Gallery (Kilauea & Mamo, across from Pineapples).
For information, contact (808) 589-7314 ~ this event only.

Also don't forget to come next door, too, where One Gallery is presenting The Wild Life - new paintings by fellow OG artist Sarah Soward. Lots of beautiful work.

All part of First Friday/Hilo Art Walk.

Lots going on downtown tonight!

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