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Thoughts on Big Island Launch site ?
AlohaDave - I agree, but I don't think anyone here has said it wouldn't be an economic stimulus. If you're just making a general statement, fine, but am curious if you're referring to a particular post.
"A remote area on the Ka'u coast is the only area I can think of on the island that might meet both these requirements."

That would describe a spot on the South Point peninsula, headed east out over the waters offshore of Honu'apo and Punalu'u. I think it could be quite a thrilling sight to watch a launch from along that coast.

I don't think I would be reflexively opposed to such an activity in that area, but, admittedly, I do feel protective of the coastline there as it is. I would want to properly investigate any potential significant impacts then form an educated opinion.
"I don't think I would be reflexively opposed to such an activity in that area, but, admittedly, I do feel protective of the coastline there as it is. I would want to properly investigate any potential significant impacts then form an educated opinion."

Absolutely, totally agree. However, I don't think the state are the ones that should do this. How many rocket scientists are there in the Hawaii government?

If there is a company that wants to build a launch site in Hawaii, let them pay the costs of doing the environmental and economic study and putting it out to everyone including peer-review.

I was referring to gathering information to form an educated opinion on an individual level. Naturally, quality sources of information are most desirable.

Edit: is to are.
I understood what you were saying, PM2. My point is that government are not the ones you can rely on to give you the information to make that individual determination.

I'll keep this brief as it isn't entirely related, but scientists in the UK have become so disillusioned with the UK government because despite their promises, the government has apparently disavowed the Haldane Principle in order to cut costs and tell scientists what they should and shouldn't research.

It's not quite the same here, obviously, but hopefully you can understand my point that tax-payers shouldn't pay non-expert politicians to tell us what's feasible or not in an area they know nothing about.
"My point is that government are not the ones you can rely on to give you the information to make that individual determination."

Any discussion here about weighing the value of government providing or relaying information did not originate from me. ...just to clarify. We may want to wait for kalakoa's expert opinion on that one.
I think I've already seen his opinion, a few hundred times. I'm not waiting.

Took a quick look at:

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