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Maybe a new park in HPP's future?
paying $300,000 for a "study"

Back-of-the-napkin: an acre of "trail" cut 15 feet wide would be about 3000 feet long.

Two acres of bulldozer work gets you about mile of trail + about 3/4 acre of parking lot.

If the bulldozer operator is charging $6K/acre for rip-n-roll, how many "parks" could you build in Puna for $300K?

(O'Hara also withdrew a much more interesting resolution that would have lowered the required right-of-way for roads in ag districts thereby making most private subdivision roads eligible for conversion. I'm curious what happened there.)

Kanuha was successful Wednesday getting fellow members of the County Council to agree to put $600,000 into the budget to plan and design park improvements

Plan ... design ...

$600,000 into the budget to plan and design park improvements

That should be enough to reanimate and bring Frank Lloyd Wright back from the dead to create an integrative tropical preserve and park, with natural materials and plenty of those built in benches he used in his homes. Perhaps from slabs of cut lava, that appear to rise spontaneously from the pahoehoe.

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
reanimate and bring Frank Lloyd Wright back from the dead

Yes, I'm sure he will write a most excellent study.

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