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Tea Plant Distribution, Waimea, Aug 21st
The CTAHR Tea Project presents:
Mealani Tea Variety Distribution Event

Cost: $25 cash or check (payable to RCUH) at the door.
Registration required by RSVP to Randy ( or Kamalu ( or at 887-6183 by 08/15/18*.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018
10:00 am - noon

UH-CTAHR Mealani Research Station
64-289 Mamalahoa Hwy, Waimea

Hosts: Randy Hamasaki and Stuart Nakamoto

The CTAHR Tea Project announces the release of the tea selection “Mealani.”
Link to article: ‘Mealani’, A New Variety of Tea for Hawai‘i.

This is the only formal distribution planned, so be sure to reserve your spot!
Learn about this variety of Camellia sinensis that is unique to Hawaii, as you taste some tea made from “Mealani.” Look at some matured plants in the field. We suggest bringing containers and/or plastic bags to hold your potted Mealani plants on your drive home.

For your protection: REQUIRED – long pants and shoes (no sandals/slippers). Come prepared for both full sun (sunscreen and other protection) as well as showers and chilly weather. No pets and no smoking allowed.

Please call 887-6183 or email or to reserve your spot and to receive last minute updates.

The Mealani Research Station is located at 64-289 Mamalahoa Highway (H19), just Hilo-side of the 53-mile marker. There is a blue “Mealani Research Station” sign at the entrance of the driveway. The phone number is 887-6185.

From the Hilo direction: Going toward Waimea, Mealani Station is about 0.8 mile beyond the 52 mile marker.

Turn left into the driveway immediately before the blue sign.

From the Kona direction: Drive past Waimea town toward Hilo. Drive past the Hawaiian Homes Hall and Mana Road. Prepare to turn right shortly after passing the 53 mile marker. Go up the driveway.

For information or to request an auxiliary aid or service (e.g. sign language interpreter, designated parking, or materials in alternate format), contact Randy ( or call (808) 887-6183 at least seven days before the activity/event.

Support for this event was provided by the: University of Hawaii at Manoa-College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources and the County of Hawaii Department of Research & Development.

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"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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