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hwy 132 construction schedule
I just read that construction is due to be complete end of October. 2019. And that's just for the TEMPORARY road. See Hawaii Tracker and scroll down.

Certainty will be the death of us.
Real sources:

Note the concurrent study to determine whether highway 132 should exist at all, and the relative expense.

The county spent about $190,000 building a temporary road over less than a mile of lava-covered portions of Highway 137 between MacKenzie State Recreation Area and Isaac Hale Beach Park.

A temporary road over the Highway 132 alignment could cost from $1.2 million to $1.4 million ... Full restoration of the highway could cost $40 million to $50 million, Yamamoto said.

$190K x 3 = $1.2M. Gotta love County math.

June-July 2019: complete Light Detection and Ranging (Drone) photogrammetry survey of the lava inundated roads

August-September 2019: complete permitting requirements for temporary road construction, including but not limited to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorial Exclusion (CatEx) permit, Special Management Area (SMA) permit, and a grading permit which will be reviewed by DPW and State Historic Preservation Division.

August-September 2019: complete design work for road construction

September-October 2019: construction of Highway 132 temporary road contingent on meeting permit requirements

December 2019: consultants complete an alternative study comparing and recommending permanent alternatives for Hwy 132 as part of the federally-mandated NEPA process

Did anyone else notice Kim's "lock-step" scheduling here?

"We can't do anthing until it's been six months."

"Now that it's been six months, we can't do anything until we have all the permits."


Don Smith, DOT's district engineer for Hawaii Island, said he wants the proposed projects from Shower Drive to Ainaloa Boulevard to be "shovel ready" should funding become available.

Apparently County can't (or has decided not to) "be ready" for anything.

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