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DLNR requests Mauna Kea enforcement budget

The supplemental budget request for the AG includes $3,200,000 for Fiscal Year 2020 and $5,500,000 for Fiscal Year 2021 for "Public Safety Operational Requirements," which includes ensuring the Thirty Meter Telescope can start permitted construction on Maunakea.

Which budget request might finally clarify things -- if the Legislature can be bothered to act.

"It just seems like a lot of money, when we've already spent over $10 million dollars on Maunakea," Sen. Kahele said. "It just doesn't seem like we have any plan, for all branches of government, of what we're gonna do on Maunakea."

As much as I dislike Kahele ... he speaks more truth than Ige and Kim combined.
"It just doesn't seem like we have any plan, for all branches of government,

The Hawaii Supreme Court made a decision, which for all intents and purposes is the State plan. The State & County have been provided with written details of the decision, the plan, but they refuse to enforce it. Can the Supreme Court charge them with disorderly conduct? Because that’s what has happened.

Kahele in this case is right.

Now they’re asking for $9,000,000 more, for what? To not enforce the plan for two more years? I could not enforce the plan for $0 and get the same result.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Just Chump Change $$ for projects this "BIG". The County of Hawaii, State, Docare, DLNR, Universities, AG, National Guard and the Astronomy capital of the world are budgeting better for the TMT's "many" project's and it's foriegn investors "this year".
Mauna Kea may not have the middle east's gold, oil and never ending contracts. Mauna Kea may have a key provide the 20th century with something just as valuable though "DATA". Sure would like to read or hear some insight or opinions about the TMT's project's, Data and choice of location. From reps with NASA, the US Government, Military, China, India and "JWST" project leaders.
I sometimes Wonder if former Hawaii Gov's like Linda Lingle or John W would speak more truth's than Ige or Kim?
What would Linda Lingle or JW have to say about these TMT project's now?
Mauna Kea's unexspected rise in the #'s of it's protector's from around the world?
The recognition, respect and importance of the Hawaiian people?

Kahele is a snake, just trying to underfund law enforcement for his sovereignty friends. It's not DLNR's fault the governor is a toothless failure. They are just trying to plan on more enforcement costs from people illegally camping and blocking the road, without depending on the flakes on county council to approve their checks.

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