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A good place to start restoring community values:
I wouldn't disagree with that at all. There are many many ways of paying people, and compensating them for their time. Still, the fact remains that here, in current conditions, what most people(most people meaning most people in the general community, not the people on this forum) need is CASH, not a batch of cookies thrown in. It's just important that those cookies aren't a diversion, or an evasion, or a scam.

I one time was told after a long day of work, shoveling s*** all day on a farm in Idaho, no hyperbole, that "sorry, I only planned to pay you for 8 hours, but you worked 10 and a half, so please accept this bible, as it's more valuable than gold." I'm not joking.

That sort of crap isn't compensation, it's a scam. It can be a fine line, but it does need to be drawn.

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