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Fruit Picking Etiquette - What is OK & what isn't
I think it would be great if this group could have a place where we can post locations of wild trees and vines as well as offer picking for trees that we are not able to pick clean. In Berkeley there is a group that does that and it is a great resource. It is a shame to see the fruit wasting and of course the fruit flies are a problem too. I would love to know where there are wild vines and trees as well. We are planting 30 fruit trees on our new property, but it will be a while till they are producing. During Mango season last summer we were staying at a place with a HUGE old tree and 90% of it was going to waste and to pigs. SOME of the excess pig food could be going to feed PEOPLE!

Originally posted by james weatherford

On a related note, what is really twisted is that there are lots of citrus trees around with fruit falling to the ground and rotting.
Not a waste -- it decomposes and goes back to the soil. However, it is a serious contributor to making fruit flies worse! Also, as evidenced by your experience, there are some people who want the fruit. The trespassers could look for those trees with fruit falling to the ground and ask the residents if sharing is possible.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters

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