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Governor Lingles Internet Message
Both Videos have now been posted:

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
Oh Damon I got to shake hands with the Gov at the Merrie Monarch Festival!! Well some friends put me up to it, to have a face to face, say hello and ask Governor Lingle how much longer before my bengal cats will be readmitted to Hawaii. She was very nice and asked me how that issue was progressing. Well not much progress with the powers that be. Meeting about 2 years ago and no final minutes to that meeting yet, the whole matter has drug on so long that in frustration we sent the 13 section binder to the ACLU and haven't heard a word from them yet, but in all fairness they deal in matters of life and death. So the Merrie Monarch was so beautiful can't wait until I can attend again one day!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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