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UFO sightings on the rise
I'm not allowed to say too much, but the plan to expand the EHT (the network of telescopes used to image the Powehi black hole) to include space telescopes is not exactly being done for the reasons the public has been told. The network provides precise targeting information and, well, you can imagine what the space telescopes will be used for.

Jeez, this thread is probably going to end up being published on some conspiracy site...
"All those Navy pilots and ex government officials must be lying to get attention. Maybe become famous! Billions of stars and countless galaxies, there couldn't possibly be any life out there besides us."

Yes, one of the biggest areas in astrophysics right now is the search for habitable planets and the search for extra-terrestrial life. One of the main missions of the TMT is to detect atmospheres on exoplanets that could support life as well as looking for indications of actual life.

Obviously, scientists are doing this because they don't think there's any chance of life elsewhere in the universe.
Scientists will pick apart a few frames of Mars rover video for months and deduce all sorts of interesting things from it, like chemical compositions based on the colors, or ancient weather based on patterns in the rocks. You'd think there would be more such public analysis about these fighter jet videos...
And there are planned future missions to Mars, some of them using the mountains in Hawaii to test their vehicles, to determine if life ever existed on Mars or still does. Done by accredited scientists and engineers with their head stuck in the sand and not believing life can exist somewhere else other than on the earth. Makes you wonder why they do that.
As long as we are a type 0 civilization nobody will be bothering us . We are literally the planet of the apes. When we get to type 1 .. we might get visitors to interact.

Look up Kardashev scale to see our potential.
I agree with you guys on the science we are pursuing, but at the same time I'm with ElysianWort: what about the videos? Surely something could be gleaned from a proper analysis?
"I read in the news recently that The Space Force will soon begin fighting Space Pirates"

If one chooses to go further down the rabbit hole, they may find connections to Roswell too. Did his uncle "Spill The Beans" ?
what about the videos?

Would we necessarily see intergalactic space vehicles, or hear them?

Visual: if they can fly across the universe with advanced technology to Puna, wouldn’t it be possible their engineering capabilities could also camouflage the ship in some way? Or how about this, they just show up at night with the running lights turned off?

Sound: advanced propulsion could also mean quieter or silent engines. Here’s an example - my old paper shredder (25 years?) was LOUD and could only grind up 3 pages at a time. I just bought a new one which I can feed 12 pages at a time and it’s almost silent.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I mean, I can see something I can't identify on the infrared USAF gun camera video ElysianWort posted...

Neil degrass Tyson talks about this..

Here's another one ...

I'm one of his biggest nerd fans.

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