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Drive into boat harbor >>> Now hijacked to Gun Control thread
...^ did not operate on its own ... Unless your Alec Baldwin. : )

Found this little gem.

What a time to be alive. Lots of fun postings. Rob busting balls and not a single inane sidetracking to avoid the facts post by HOTPE. Unless he was hiding in the closet.

Another +1 for ya Aaron
(06-03-2023, 06:22 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: If you still have hard time to understand the obvious, I dont know what will. 

Almost no one is shot in England or Japan.  Etc.  Common sense.  Clearly obvious.

Tell it to the marines.

Please dont let me think that you are a psycho coddler.

And also, since you are good at digging statistics,  please let me know if theres a single study that says, a person with sound mind, mentally healthy shot somebody.
SARCASM is my 1st language. Cool
Aaron, HOTPE & H.F.


The answer is common sense gun control laws. Keeping guns out of mentally ill hands is the end result. Take what Aaron said and make it law. But you can't. Congress forbids the CDC to even study the whole cause and relationship of gun ownership and needless death. The NRA and gun manufacturers pay off the politicians - and all we circle jerk ourselves back into time after time is "thoughts and prayers."

But we can't broach that subject, as it then becomes the "rights" excuse to say the "left" wants to take away all your guns.

I find it ironic in that in most of everything humanity does to live, is measured by an inherent pass/fail system. If you're a good doctor, word spreads and you become renowned. Bad doctor? Word spreads fast and you eventually have no patients. Same with auto mechanics, carpentry, home builders, catchment cleaning systems, restaurants, laundromats - on and on the list goes. Heck, even really bad politicians eventually get voted out of office! Even WAR has been studied and made "safer" to prevent causalities.

Except gun ownership. It's the only one society issue where the good responsible decent law-abiding owners stay mum about the crazies who get guns and shoot them and kill people because someone said FU to them, cut them off in traffic, drives a fancy car, looked at someone weird........... or as what we see now mostly in mass gun violence, shooting up single digit aged kids in school.

I personally own 2 guns. For AT home protection only. I don't walk down "Pahoa Main" in a "wild wild west" fashion with my gun tucked into my waistband. I don't carry my gun with me to Wal-Mart. I have been trained and attend retraining annually on the guns care, handling, use - everything. The need for me to use one of my guns would come down to only one thing. My life is being put into direct danger by another person or large animal on my property or in my home.

But having said that, there is nothing I individually can really do to stop the lunacy of needless gun and mentally ill people killing innocent people. And, as the replies by some to this post, as well as yours will eventually show, us "liberals" want to take your guns away!!!!

I resigned the NRA back when Daddy Bush did. I suggest that being the first action ANY responsible gun owner could do for a start. Wayne certainly does not need another marble shit house in one of his mansions - paid for out of the "dues" members pay and he embezzles. When the NRA defends Kyle Rittenhouse, the games been lost.

The second thing is to get Congress to act.

Maybe we need to change the terminology of "school shootings" to be "drag queen story hour & abortions."

Then I am sure we would have an immediate halt to this lunacy once and for all!

Now, I also admit, I find sometimes YouTube has very interesting - to the point - and even humorous "clips" that get right to the heart of the matter.


(please watch it!)
40+% in England is knives..Siko always find a way nah ? Japan is Pluto by comparison. So might be certain genocidal places in Africa. Way off the farm. Wheres the manifests of these mass US shooters? Why not release them ? A: Doesn't fit the narrative against Gun Control and hence people get triggered BC they never get the whole story. Some cases get blown up, others don't. Based on demographics still. And people who only view MSM never hear about the other ones.. Any that gets past they blinders is simply dismissed BC of a website/source they don't believe in etc.

Everyone should read BOTH SIDES ( news ) of the coin. Don't be narrow minded. Seek info by yourself open mindedly. The truth shall set you free. The more info you have the more rational you can be.

The Elephant in the room is mental health ..NOT weapons. LOOK UP Crime Statistics and see who the REAL PURPS are committing these by percentage of the population.. Facts Don't Lie.

We need a person with a gun at every school in the country. Def. not the drag queen type nor anyone who supports murdering the unborn. And that's to PROTECT KIDDOS from those very mentally deranged species.

Sane parents support this.

I vote for Veterans who know what's up.

lastly ..HOTPE ..where is your sources from Japan/UK please. And are they cross checkable ?
elepaio pid=' dateline= Wrote:The Elephant in the room is mental health ..NOT weapons.  LOOK UP Crime Statistics and see who the REAL PURPS are committing these by percentage of the population.. Facts Don't Lie.

I agree mental health is the issue. Crime stats however show statistical data. Real purps are of every race, religion, political persuasion, etc. Most perps have some form of mental issue and/or drug related issue. 

We need a person with a gun at every school in the country. Def. not the drag queen type nor anyone who supports murdering the unborn. And that's to PROTECT KIDDOS from those very mentally deranged species.

"Read meat" "dog whistle" response. Watch the clip I posted about the good guy with a gun. Secondly, do you know how many people it would require to put one armed person into each and every school in America? And what good would one armed person do in a school with 1,000 plus students? And who is going to pay for this? Will Wayne give up a few millions of embezzled NRA members' dues to pay for this? Will Congress appropriate the necessary funds?

Drag queen and abortion discussion to this topic is just another absolute bullshit "red meat" "dog whistle" that has absolutely not one possible answer to any question about gun violence in America. It's the equivalent of saying flat tires are caused by having white walls. It has not once ounce of serious thought given to it and is ridiculous at the very least.

Sane parents support this.

Another made up "fact" based upon not one verifiable statistic. "Red meat" "dog whistle"

I vote for Veterans who know what's up.

Those who are not mentally unstable from suffering PTSD and denied care by lack of funding and access to proper and thorough mental health care might be of assistance - but to do what, I could not imagine.

OK, now for some spot on, yet funny YouTube clips: (sorry - it's a 3 parter!)  (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
LMAO . Triggerd much ?.typical ..Call it a name and then you feel good. Your getting there though babe. Go look percentage who commits the crimes. Mo' betta ask why Ukraine gets ..not us ..Do you agree ?

And what good would one armed person do in a school with 1,000 plus students?

A: Protect them.

Like a dog does to its herd..
No "babe", not triggered. Not one ounce of being triggered, "babe." I don't get triggered, "babe." I like to stay based in reality, facts and logic, "babe!"

As for getting there "babe," I've been there, "babe." For a long long time now, "babe."

Your constant droll of "Go look percentage who commits the crimes" followed by a slang term used by various people of color is just your "red meat" "dog whistle" attempt at trying to blame crime on a certain race, "babe."

I'll let this FBI chart speak for itself, "babe."

Now, a simple question on strictly gun violence. Nothing to do with drag queens, abortions or race.

Would you say that the man arrested for doing what he did here was mentally ill? Or do you think he was sane?

Now, consider that regardless of you thinking he WAS or WAS NOT mentally ill, he was running for elected office and COULD HAVE been elected.

I can't wait for your reply, "babe!"

PS. Ukraine deserves billions more US aid.


Admittedly a bit dated, but the articulation of the entire gun violence problem is still to this very day so spot on!
The solution is simple: only allow guns that existed when the Constitution was written.

Really hard to have much shooting with muzzle-loaded black-powder rifles.
COMMON SENSE dictates that, the gun did not operate on its own..

It’s not the gun. It’s human behavior when in possession of the gun. Somehow a situation that would otherwise turn into a fist fight, or a knifing, or given the space to back down, is escalated to a bang you’re dead. Somehow the cavalier shoot em up attitude of gamers killing each other online turns into a bullet in the head.

Guns ain't going away. But if it was mine to do AR’s would be gone.. and a mandatory buyback program to boot. Gone, outlawed. There is just no justification for them.

Beyond that, every gun owner would be required to be insured, and held liable for the actions taken with that gun, whether they did the deed or someone else in possession of their gun did.

Every gun would be required, when not in use, to be locked up.

And any crime committed while in possession of a gun would have a mandatory 20 years attached to whatever punishment is levied for the crime itself. Mandatory, without any time off for whatever. Take candy from a baby and have a gun in your pocket and goodbye.

And if all that didn’t bring peace back to our streets, we’d be talking about what exactly the founding fathers meant by well regulated. There is just no way, none, that the right for some to possess firearms outweighs the right of all of us to the pursuit of happiness. And that includes the right to live in peace. It’s a right. I have it, you have it, and we all should do whatever it takes to guarantee its preservation.
(06-03-2023, 01:12 PM)kalakoa Wrote: The solution is simple: only allow guns that existed when the Constitution was written.

Really hard to have much shooting with muzzle-loaded black-powder rifles.

I always like this comment. Always gets a rise out of somebody!

A modern day tie in is that many states that restrict .38 specials and the like will allow you to walk out of a store with a black powder pistol without any background checks or hoops.

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