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2023 Pacific Hurricane forecast: "heightened risks for Mexico and Hawaii."
"And still, our Maunas disrupt hurricanes, weather systems of any kine, and whether or not you're able to grok it makes no never mind"

And yet, after 2 links were posted to articles written by numerous scientists and metrologists saying the opposite, you still believe your myth.

"my only observation has been you're too emotionally dysfunctional to be capable of impartial observation"

My only observation is that you like to argue for the sake of argument.

And the consistent use of numerous double periods is another observation, but we don't need to discuss that.

At any event, the ONLY and REAL reason the hurricane missed us - is because my just 1 year-old Jack Russell (Barney) barked his fool head off at the rain and wind and without any doubt, made Calvin fall apart and run away!
(07-21-2023, 01:56 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote:   Is it possible that a person living on a 200 foot cliff above the ocean might do nothing to prepare for an incoming hurricane after reading that the mauna unfailingly protects us?)

Entirely possible and not your responsibility.  Caveat Emptor rules the day.
not your responsibility.  Caveat Emptor 

It’s surprising how people can sell snake oil in a state, on islands with no snakes.
Even more surprising is that they seem to have a significant customer base!
The 1st protects all free speech, even that which is asinine.

Let's not trot out the old censor spectre just because some people say ridiculous things.
not trot out the old censor spectre

You can’t shout “fire!” in a crowded theater, unless there is a fire and danger to the patrons.  That’s illegal.
You can't announce a bomb threat, then later explain there is no bomb, just kidding, and expect the police to agree with your free speech defense.
Declaring “no hurricane! hurricanes are impossible!” when there’s a demonstrative potential for a hurricane?

It’s a fine line.
Check with your lawyer, it's legal to shout fire in a theater.  Announcing a bomb threat however, is illegal under the Terroristic Threatening charge.  

Spouting nonsensical babble about the weather is perfectly legal though it may garner you some funny looks and sideways glances (both of which are also legal).

The rub is that should your speech lead to injuries, then we look to damages and a trip to court like that Alex Jones guy.

Point being that we do not muzzle you but you are responsible for the consequences of your actions.
Check with your lawyer, it's legal 

I checked with Google, Esq. and there's a short answer, and long answer, and one that allows "it depends."

“The falsely shouted warning, while technically speech, could potentially violate a state's criminal laws against disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct, whether or not it provokes a stampede, for instance.” And if there's a stampede in which somebody dies, you could be charged with involuntary manslaughter. In other words, even if there's no law in your state that explicitly prohibits you from crying “Fire” in a theater, there are other laws you might still have to worry about.

It's too bad the Akebono Theater isn't around anymore.  It would be the perfect place to discuss this philosophical conundrum further.  I miss that place.
Same here, so many good shows. She just missed becoming a centenarian too...

Some loser is walking around with a grand piano worth of karma hanging over their head
checked with Google, Esq.”

Damn. Looks like I should get Barney liability insurance and divest him of all his assets.

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