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Hawaii is not inclulded in NATO
Sort of strange but geographically makes some sense.  Itʻs the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  European countries probably donʻt see an attack on Hawaii as much of a threat to them.
Certainty will be the death of us.
For the same reason why NATO didn't get involved in the Falklands War in 1982.
same reason why NATO

A good geographic comparison, but another point might be the UK didn’t need assistance fighting Argentina.
The US probably could defend Hawaii from, let’s say Cambodia, but China might be another matter.

Other countries that are nowhere near the Atlantic Ocean have been accepted as members.
Well, we could discuss the Falklands War for a long time, the UK victory was never certain until they landed the land forces, but that'd be way off-topic here. I only mentioned it because the NATO alliance has exceptions and they've come up before. However, the circumstances are different. Hawaii is heavily defended whereas the Falklands were not. Then you have all the nations in the Pacific that would be drawn into a war by any attack on Hawaii and I suspect NATO would eventually be drawn in anyway.
Let us hope we never find out!
Certainty will be the death of us.

"Under Article 4 of NATO’s founding treaty, member countries can bring an issue to the attention of the North Atlantic Council (often simply called “the Council” or “the NAC” – NATO’s principal political decision-making body) and discuss it with Allies. The article states:

“The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.”"

Article 4 can be invoked regardless of where the geographical location of the territory or 'security' is located. Otherwise any NATO asset outside the Atlantic would be fair game to NATOs adversaries.

"Britain didn't invoke Article 4 during the Falkland war, likely because they felt confident in their ability to handle the situation themselves and invoking the article could have escalated the conflict or strained relations with some NATO members. However, while NATO itself wasn't directly involved, the United States, a key member, provided Britain with significant logistical and military support during the war."
drawn into a war by any attack on Hawaii and I suspect NATO

Even if the US requested the admission of Hawaii, it would probably get mucked up by some doofuses in Puna protesting the proposal, road blocking the Puainako & Hawaii 11 intersection in Hilo, because when they heard NATO, they thought officials meant natto which their mothers forced then to eat when they were little.  It’s that sticky stringy soy beany stuff in the Japanese food cooler at the end of the produce isle in KTA.
(03-31-2024, 01:45 AM)terracore Wrote:

"Britain didn't invoke Article 4 during the Falkland war, likely because they felt confident in their ability to handle the situation themselves and invoking the article could have escalated the conflict or strained relations with some NATO members. However, while NATO itself wasn't directly involved, the United States, a key member, provided Britain with significant logistical and military support during the war."

The UK didn't ask for the support of NATO because this was an attack and invasion from a country that was outside the North Atlantic, the US mainland, or Europe. The US tried to intervene diplomatically and remain neutral (Kissinger) but gave up in the end and provided missiles to the UK albeit reluctantly. Argentina was being run by a junta at the time which was hardly something that could be described as a democratic society.

But this is irrelevant when it comes to Hawaii. Of course, NATO countries won't be here to defend us immediately, they are far away, but there is no way an attack or invasion of Hawaii will be ignored by NATO.
God knows, NAT0 doesn't need any new members right now.

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